What happens when an aunt gives her niece something fancy…but doesn’t do the same for her nephews?
S**t can get ugly, that’s what!
So is this woman an a**hole for doing this?
Let’s check out her story below so we can get all the details.
AITA for giving my niece expensive presents but not my nephews?
“I (30F) have two siblings: a brother B (34) and a sister S (39). Growing up S got everything she wanted and was spoiled.
My parents would make B and I share our birthday and Christmas money with her so she didn’t feel left out, but she never had to share with us. She was allowed to do multiple dances classes each week while B and I had to drop out of sport because our parents couldn’t afford it.
For Christmas B and I would get new (unbranded) clothes and books while S was gifted mobile phones, MP3 players, playstations, designer clothes and handbags.
This has carried onto S’s kids (16M and 13M). For their birthdays and Christmas my parents will gift them hundreds of dollars of stuff, while mine and B’s kids will get a small toy or two.
My mother excuses it as S is a single parent and struggling financially, whereas my husband is from a wealthy family and B has a wife. B and I have asked our parents to give these bigger gifts separately away from the other kids to avoid hurt feelings, but they do it anyway
B and I weren’t going to go to our parents Christmas (Dec 24) this year. My mother asked why and we said it was because of the gift situation and also because they only ever talk about S and her kids. My mother promised it wouldn’t happen this year. B and I decided to give her a chance and go. Everything was going okay until it came time for gifts.
My husband had to work and was going to come later and bring our gifts, but my brother, sister and parents handed theirs out. My mother disappeared towards the end and came back with ‘special’ presents for S’s kids. 16M got a new phone, and 13M got a new Ipad, and they got some other gift cards.
My kids didn’t really care, but my niece Evelyn (14) was upset. 16M told her to stop being a baby and she should just be grateful she got a gift at all. 13M and S laughed.
I was p**sed. I texted my husband to stop at the shop and pick up something extra for Evelyn on his way over (thinking an extra gift card). He came in with a new macbook pro, iPhone 14, ipad and pencil, PS5, a big lego kit, and several gift cards worth over a thousand dollars. She was stoked.
My nephews were given some designer shoes they’ve been wanting and $50 cash. They asked what else they were getting. My husband said nothing, and that they should be grateful for the gifts they got.
My sister went OFF. Screaming about treating everyone equally and making her kids feel left out, and how they need computers and PS5’s as well. My brother said ‘like how mum always has always treated everyone equally’ and my mother started crying. She said she gets she was wrong but this wasn’t the time and we ruined Christmas.
My husband said we were leaving and invited B, SIL and Evelyn to his parents house the next day for Christmas lunch They came and my in-laws gave them an all expenses paid trip to Disneyland (and spending money). My sister found out and is demanding she gets one for her kids as well.”
Check out what Reddit users had to say.
One reader said she’s NTA and that her parents and her sister all SUCK.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said it sounds like her husband was ready to blow up Christmas…in a good way.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said it’s time to let her sister FEEL THE BURN.

Photo Credit: Reddit
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