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If you make a kid give away their Halloween candy, you know there are going to be some seriously HUGE hurt feelings.
But sometimes parents gotta lay down the law, you know what I’m saying?
Check out this story and see if you think this mom went too far with her son.
AITA for making my son pass out the candy he got from trick or treating because he was being rude?
“My son is 9 years old.
We went trick or treating like we usually do and the night was going well except when we got to a house that had a bowl of candy sitting on the porch It said “Take 2 please”. He puts his whole hand in there and grabs about 6 pieces.
Of course I corrected him, and made him put 4 of them back, explaining be needed to leave some for the others. From then on he had an attitude, and the last straw was when I told him to stop grabbing so much candy from people and he screamed “No!”.
We had only been out for about an hour so I took him right on home. Took his candy bag, dumped it in a bowl and told him to come sit outside on the porch with me. He objected of course, as kids came by and took handfuls of his candy. He complained they were taking too much and I told him that he shouldn’t have done the same then.
His father came home from work, asked why he was in his room crying, to which I explained why. He said it was really cruel to give away the kids candy just because he was taking a little too much. I said he needs to learn to not be so greedy to which my husband said that “Its ok, it’s Halloween”.
He said I was being a jerk, and that I should cut some slack for the one holiday that kids get to pig out. I don’t agree, although I figured I could’ve done this differently.
And here’s what Reddit users said about this story.
One reader said that this kid crossed the line and the punishment fits the crime.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said that this kid is way too old to be acting this way.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual argued that her kid who is MUCH younger than the kid in the story is more well-behaved…imagine that…

Photo Credit: Reddit
Finally, this reader said that more parents should respond this way when their kids act like this.

Photo Credit: Reddit
What do you think about what went down here?
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