
She Won’t Give Her Sister Milk To Feed Her Baby Anymore. Is She Wrong?

No more breast milk for you!

I can honestly say that I’ve never heard anyone say that in my whole life…

But there’s a first time for everything!

And today we’re got a doozy of a story to enjoy from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page.

Let’s take a look…

AITA for telling my sister I will no longer give her my breast milk?

“I (28F) had a stillbirth 5 weeks ago.

My sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy 4 weeks ago. After my stillbirth, I was producing milk and pumping, and my sister couldn’t breastfeed after her son was born. Formula shortage was awful and I was literally throwing my milk away, so I offered it to my sister and she gladly accepted.

I was advised by the doctors to pump for 3 weeks after the stillbirth to prevent problems for me, and then stop, otherwise I’d just keep producing milk. Due to the formula shortage, I have been pumping for 5 weeks now, to give the milk to my sister. Now that there is more formula in stock and she has been able go buy it, I told her I’ll stop pumping.

She told me her son has stomach problems after the formula and asked me to keep pumping. I told her I emotionally cannot handle it any longer. She said I am being selfish and she already has to feed her son by bottle (because she at first suggested I’d just nurse him for his daily feedings at least – we live next door, and I refused).

I told her I’m sorry and I can pump for a few more days so she can put some in the freezer and have some back up until she finds a better formula for her son, but she said breast milk is healthiest and I should just help her out.

She called me a selfish AH and said that I am the embodiment of ‘misery loves company’. My mother feels I should help my own sister out. My husband said my sister is way out of line. I feel really awful because I could still help her out and I know she needs it.”

Now take a look at what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said she’s NTA and that her husband is right on the money about this one.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said this isn’t a NEED, but a WANT.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she’s NTA and that her sister doesn’t realize how selfless she was.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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