
Someone Call Charlie Brown, Cuz the Great Pumpkin Is Finally Here…


Just in time for Halloween, there’s a new record for the largest pumpkin ever grown in North America! If that doesn’t make you want to get all dolled up for October 31, I don’t know what will.

Steve Geddes broke the record in September at the Deerfield Fair in New Hampshire. Geddes’ massive prize weighed a whopping 2,528 pounds, shattering the previous record.

Geddes won $6,000 in prize money for his behemoth.

Even though pumpkins are extremely American (at least I think they are), the largest one ever grown in the world is actually from Belgium back in 2016. That monster weighed 2,624 pounds. Let’s hope Mr. Geddes keeps growing pumpkins, so he can bring that title back to the USA where it belongs!