Would you swim in a plexiglass pool suspended 40 stories above street level?

Photo Credit: John Shapley/Houston Chronicle
Well if you rent at Houston’s Market Square Tower, or have a friend that happens to be a tenant, you can go test your nerves.
I mean, sure, the rent for a 564 square-foot studio is $1,804 a month, but it’s not really about how much room you have in the massive building.
It’s all about what juts out from the top of it:

Photo Credit: @manjotjawa/Instagram
Lots of fancy places have infinity pools on the roof, now.
So the MST one-upped those other, lamer places:

Photo Credit: Market Square Tower
They added an eight-inch-thick, see-through acrylic belly onto the edge of their pool, so that it would stick out an extra ten feet – at 500 feet above the ground. They’ve made an infinity pool even more infinity-er. Possibly one of the infinity-est:

Photo Credit: Houston Chronicle
I honestly don’t know if I could do it.
I’m getting dizzy just looking up at it:

Photo Credit: Market Square Tower
But if I happened to find myself on the 40th floor, in a swimsuit or otherwise, I’d like to think I would jump in.
I mean, I definitely want to, I just don’t know what would actually happen once I got up there. It would be a fight of mind over matter.
At the very least, I’d dip my toes over, like this person:

Photo Credit: Market Square Tower
I like to think I’d have the courage to get in, but I’m just not sure whether I could manage the full-on magic float-over:

Photo Credit: Market Square Tower
What about you? Would you do it? Or would you chicken out?

Photo Credit: Market Square Tower
Let us know in the comments.
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