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Hollywood has been know to produce “movie magic,” and of course TV does the exact same thing to fool those watching at home. Because why not? What are people gonna do? NOT watch? Hahaha… ummm…
Buzzfeed recently created a list of the “lies and tricks” producers used to get one over on you, and we picked out the most interesting ones to share with you.
Spoiler alerts coming at ya!!!!!!
11. All that cash won at Cash Cab isn’t real! At least what’s awarded on TV.
After winning, each contestant must complete stacks of paperwork to receive their prize in the mail (via check).

Photo Credit: Bravo TV
10. Being on Fixer Upper means a free renovation on your dilapidated home! Sweet!
And all the furniture? The contestants don’t get to keep it.
If they want it, they have to buy it from Joanna Gaines’ store Magnolia Market.
9. Any Masked Singer fans here? Not everyone knows the singer when they film it!
Producers record “surprize” staged reactions of the audience and they have to wait until it airs to find out who it is.
8. We’ve all been catfished by Catfish!
“The producers already know everything and that’s why the catfishes are already wearing mics.
Supposedly though, they don’t tell Nev and his investigations are all real, as he doesn’t know any details.”
7. Love it or List it couples know what they want but really we don’t!
Producers record both reactions and decide which one gets aired.
6. Josh Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke” is a farce!
In this video Josh is not driving the car! It’s hitched up to a trailer. But… he does actually drive, (see below).
UPDATE: One of the TV show’s producers chimed in after this video went viral on the Internet. So turns out he DOES drive (sometimes).
Annnnnnd James had fun with all the attention he was getting and shared this:
5. On the HGTV show, House Hunters, the buyers have already bought the house before filming takes place.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed, House Hunters
4. Sorry to break it to ya, but Central Perk from Friends is not real.
All these scenes were shot on a soundstage!

Photo Credit: Bustle, NBC
3. If you were a Glee fan hoping to go to NYADA, think again!
The college Rachel and Kurt attended is a fake.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed, Fox
2. Kristen Bell is a vegetarian in real life!
While filming a scene on The Good Place the production team ordered “rubber nuggets” that look like shrimp!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed, NBC
1. On Friends, Joey helps out Monica with a little urine to alleviate a jellyfish sting.
But don’t try this at home. Pee makes it hurt more!
I’m feeling a little betrayed and kinda sad! Now that we’ve broken your TV secret hearts, tell us your favorite television magic spoilers!
Do that in the comments, fam!