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Does anyone really like grammar? After all, remembering all the rules of the English language can be downright overwhelming.
Here are 11 of the most confusing grammar rules to remember. You may want to grab a notebook for this one.
1. Me vs. I
Think back to your elementary school days. The “me” vs. “I” debate can still be confusing years later.
The best way to know which pronoun to use is to remove the other person from the sentence. Try using “me” or “I” and it’ll be clear which option makes sense.

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2. It’s vs. its
Contractions can be your best friend or your worst enemy. At least, that’s the case with the “it’s” vs. “its” rule.
Utilize “it’s” as the contraction for “it is.” Otherwise, “its” is the right choice.
3. Who vs. Whom
Another tough rule to understand is when to use “who” vs. “whom.” In general, utilize “who” when referring to the subject of a sentence.
On the other hand, utilize “whom” when referring to an object.
4. Wacky plurals
From mouse/mice to foot/feet, the English language can be difficult to understand when it comes to plurals.
In some cases, the plural form of a word can be exactly the same as its singular version.

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5. British vs. American spellings
Our friends from across the pond spell words much differently. In fact, despite speaking the same language, the British version of words may look entirely foreign to us Americans.
Sometimes there will be an extra “u” or “e” in the British spelling. So while it may look wrong to you, it may be OK for our friends overseas.
6. Ending sentences with prepositions
Grammar enthusiasts will always tell you to never end a sentence with a preposition.
It kills the flow, and who wants to do that?
7. Good or well?
Are you doing good? Or are you feeling well?
The difference between the two words can change the context of a sentence entirely.

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8. Badly or bad?
When you feel “bad” about something, it can mean a few different things. It could refer to feeling sorry, or it could mean you feel sick.
On the other hand, “badly” is an adverb that modifies a verb.
9. Apostrophes on words ending with “s”
This can be particularly troubling if you have a last name that ends with “s.” But according to Oxford Living Dictionaries, you should add the apostrophe and an “s” when you would actually pronounce it out loud naturally.
10. “Could care less”
People often misuse this phrase. You actually should say, “I couldn’t care less” to express that you literally could not care any less about whatever your problem is.
When you say that you “could care less” you are actually saying there’s room for more negativity.
11. Silent letters
Oh, those pesky silent letters.
Don’t fret, though. Some letters are in place but don’t get pronounced because the pronunciation of words changed over time.
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What is the grammar rule that gives you the most trouble?
How do you help yourself remember what to do?
Tell us your strategy in the comments below!