
The Internet Tried This Hand-Drawing ‘Hack’ and the Fails Are Epic

So, not to brag, but I was actually a cartoonist for my college newspaper. And let me just get this out of the way… the only way to be good at drawing is to… wait for it… draw.

And you can’t just draw a little. You have to draw a lot. That means you’ll fail a lot. And one of the most challenging things to nail are hands and fingers. Like, it’s really hard. Even for cartoonists.

Since drawing hands is a problem, the folks over at the @SatisfyingDaily Twitter account posted a video of a super easy, not at all inevitably frustrating ‘hack’ to draw hands and fingers in basically 15 seconds.

What could be easier, right?

Of course the internet tried and failed miserably…

I appreciate the time it took to create something so awful…

Fingers or minnows? Hmmm…

Welp, can’t unsee that!

Same hand, but after 150 years of decay…

What is with that second to last nail! It haunts me!

You feel lied to? I feel scarred for life!

Okay, wtf is this? Come on internet…

The lines are so dark! Why are you so angry?!?

Well, at least you did in dry erase so you can immediately cover up your crime against art.

We’ve discovered a new form of life in the universe…

Now you’re just trying to get attention…

Close enough indeed!

10/10 for effort!

In the end, the message from the Internet was clear…

Bye Felicia!