This article should definitely fuel a few arguments online. I live in a city with a ton of transplants, and I’m always hearing conversations about the different accents from around the country. What’s the best? What’s the worst? What’s hands-down the most annoying?
Well, a company called Big 7 Travel surveyed 1.5 million social media users, and these were the results. How many of these people do you think were swayed by Matthew McConaughey’s slow Texas drawl? I hear a lot of complaints about the Boston accent, so I’m shocked it finished as #2 on the list.
Alright, let’s get this party started. Without further ado, here are the top 25 sexiest accents in America.
3. New York
4. Mainer
5. Chicago
6. Mississippi
7. Hawaiian
8. Philadelphia
9. St. Louis
10. Californian
11. Northwestern
12. Chicano
13. Miami
14. Yooper
15. Cajun
16. Midwestern
17. Alabama
18. Baltimorese
19. Virginia Piedmont
20. Tennessean
21. Kansas
22. Connecticut
23. Cleveland
24. Oklahoma
25. New Orleans
What do you think? Sound off the in comments and let’s get this debate started!