Statues are having a hard time right now, and honestly, their PR people are swamped. Which is maybe why folks are imagining the stone monuments might be filled with a bit of rage at the moment – and are taking photos of them fighting back.
These 11 pictures are creative and hilarious, and honestly, I wish I’d thought of it first.
11. I just love the commitment here.
The face! The contortion! 8/10 at least. AT LEAST!
10. You can’t do Spiderman like that!
It’s only going to make people like you less. Because everybody loves Spidey!
9. It’s not wood, sir!
At least, it wasn’t before today. But now… who knows?
8. They need to work on their expressions.
Get into the roles more, guys! Your country is counting on you!
7. Nicely done with the mirroring.
My money is on the statue. I’m not liking that guy’s stance.
6. That thing would be terrifying if it weren’t eating that lady’s leg.
What on earth IS that, and who thought it was a good idea?
5. You can hit a little old lady, man!
Nice form, though. Jack Nicklaus would be proud!
4. Everything about this is actually perfect.
I dare you to offer a critique.
3. What a mean little girl.
I guess that means she likes him.
2. I don’t think this works.
The gorilla’s expression is too kindly.
1. A+ on the acting skills.
Give that man his award.
Humans can just be so charming when they want to be, right?
Which one of these made you smile the biggest?
Tell me in the comments!