
These 12 Neighbors Are Running Short on Holiday Cheer

Image Credit: Twitter

The app NextDoor is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing if you lose your dog, if you want to adopt a kitchen, or if you need a reason to feel really good about how not insane you are on a regular basis.

It’s not so good for everything else – it does a number on my faith in humanity, that’s for sure.

And if you’ve seen posts like these 12 on your own neighborhood group, it’s probably done a number on your holiday cheer, too.

12. I am dead from laughter.

Bless his heart.

11. A Merry Christmas, you say?

How do you expect…

10. Yes, they “moved.”

Now you will have a little reindeer.

9. You should have led with “looks super dorky.”

No one cares about the earth.

8. I’m betting there were lots of replies.

How could there not be?

7. How does one shame a phone?

Also, pics or it didn’t happen.

6. What sort of cold-hearted soul…

Elsa? Was that you?

5. Oh my goodness get a life.

It’s trash.

4. There’s the NextDoor I know and do not love.

You know you hate it, too.

3. Just getting a jump on things.

It’s good to be prepared.

2. You can’t get away with anything anymore.

All those Ring doorbells.

1. I would have booked them in a second.

I want to hear it so much.

This is not the year to be Grinches, people!

Let others have their fun where they can find it – too soon the holidays will be over and there’s literally nothing left to look forward to.

Chew on that.