Memes that sum up 2020 are going to be relevant for a long time, y’all, because we aren’t going to stop talking about this crazy year anytime soon.
If you’re a fan of memes and want to laugh-cry about the madness that is this year, well, have we got a list for you!
13. I have never seen a more perfect meme in my life.
I mean, just look at it. Its a thing of glory!
12. “Let’s just see what happens to these phase 1 people…”
Ope, nothing good!
11. A soothing voice just isn’t going to do it.
F-bombs are a must.
10. Personally I would block caller.
Like I do with all of the other spammers that won’t quit.
9. Trust me, we’re not getting any more money.
They’re still mad they gave us the first money!
8. We really didn’t see it coming, did we.
I don’t know how you really could have, though.
7. Well, until I get my first summer electric bill. anyway.
We…just turned our AC up.
6. They might as well just give up now.
Their teachers aren’t going to want to talk about it, either. Too soon.
5. You’re gonna need a bigger highlighter.
Or a bigger memory.
4. People are making this way harder than it is.
But I mean, by all means, eat the cheese.
3. There is alcohol, so you have to give it at least half a star.
That’s it, though.
2. If it means I have to put makeup on then no.
Maybe Marco Polo if I can get the right light.
1. I am in this image and I don’t like it.
Between online shopping and the grocery store, no money has been saved.
These are right up my alley – I hope they made you happy, too!
Which was your favorite? Is the crazy ever going to end? Tell me in the comments!