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When I say “it all,” you know what I mean, right? The whole…*gestures wildly* all of this we are hearing and watching and reading and experiencing on a daily basis, it’s a lot, y’all.
We all need ways to decompress and unwind and, you know, just laugh at something silly.
These 17 memes are where the latter comes into play!
17. We are what we look like.
Even if we are a leaf.

Image Credit: Imgur
16. I would rather have these kitties squishing me than a devil and an angel.
Just sayin.

Image Credit: Imgur
15. Our minds are deep and wondrous places.
And they also do things like this.

Image Credit: Imgur
14. That’s one way to look at it.
A hilarious way, unless you’re a bird.

Image Credit: Imgur
13. Purely for innocent reasons yes.

Image Credit: Imgur
12. Kind of gives you hope for the future.
Until you go back and watch the movie again.

Image Credit: Imgur
11. Wait, that’s supposed to happen?

Image Credit: Imgur
10. How can you, really?
I mean if you accept the concept of spoons having feelings.

Image Credit: Imgur
9. It took me a minute.
I’m a bit slow these days.

Image Credit: Imgur
8. How easily a caption can change things.
And make you chuckle.

Image Credit: Imgur
7. I assume this is what happened.
How else do you think?

Image Credit: Imgur
6. I mean you gotta put yourself out there.
Shoot your shot, as it were.

Image Credit: Imgur
5. Some people’s brains, I swear.
I love it.

Image Credit: Imgur
4. This person is just helping us all out.
For all eternity, it shall be so.

Image Credit: Imgur
3. It is the way of the world.
If you don’t do this….how?

Image Credit: Imgur
2. That’s not what your body meant.

Image Credit: Imgur
1. Asking the important questions.
Nightmares are everywhere.

Image Credit: Imgur
Sometimes it’s funny to laugh at something so dumb you feel guilty for laughing, isn’t it?
Which one of these fit that bill for you? Tell us in the comments!