
This Mom Wants to Know if She’s a Jerk for Telling Her Daughter She Can’t Move Away to Live With Her Girlfriend

Uh oh…this story sounds a little touchy

Moms and dads always get a little bit anxious when their kids want to move in with a significant other…especially when it’s 1,000 miles from home.

So is this mom wrong for putting her foot down in the situation with her daughter?

Take a look at her story and let us know what you think.

AITA For Telling My Daughter She Can’t Move 1,000+ Miles Away To Live With Her Girlfriend?

“I (46F) am the mother to two wonderful children, Andrew (16M) and Nicole (21F). Nicole was very bright as a child and excelled in her classes, and she headed into college with a plan to get a Master’s at least.

I never had to worry about her doing well or hitting milestones, but the last few years have been very surprising. She became a bit withdrawn in her teen years, more so than I realized until now, and after her first year of college she suddenly moved out from a relative’s home and got her own apartment.

Then, after her second year of college (last May) she told me and her father (58M) that she was dropping out and might return in a year, but wasn’t sure, and that she was incredibly stressed and depressed and had been for years. It felt like it was coming out of nowhere.

Last fall she got a full time job and started talking about how she was happy and finally in a good routine and that she loved working. I was glad things were at least going well for her now, but still hoping she’d return to college soon. One of the biggest recent bombshells she dropped on me though was a month ago when I drove to visit her.

We went out for lunch, and we started talking about this friend (25F) of hers. Eventually, my daughter admitted to me that she was a lesbian, and that she and this girl had been dating since January and that she FLEW TO MEET HER WITHOUT TELLING ME OR HER FATHER! Mind you, she flew over 1,000 miles to see this girl that she had NEVER MET and had only called and video chatted with for a few months.

I was shocked and angry, but all I did was gently scold her for not telling me, but that I’m glad she’s okay and that she had a good time with her girlfriend. I’m very new to this whole thing with my daughter, as I thought she was interested in men, but I’m willing to support her because I love her.

The problem now is that she told me earlier this week that she intends to move within the next year and a half. She says it may be sooner rather than later because things are changing with her girlfriend’s living situation and she wanted to give me a heads up.

I told her absolutely not, that she can’t move in with someone she’s only been dating for a couple of months, especially not when she’s moving several states away. All of her family is HERE, including me and her father and her brother, and her three living grandparents. I told her she’s too young and she can’t move that far away from us just for a girl.

She told me that regardless of her girlfriend, she’s been wanting to move far away for years and that her girlfriend’s state was on a list of potential places. She said she loved being there when she visited and can’t wait to go back. She says I’m being unreasonable by asking her to stay and that she h**es it here and feels like she “can’t be herself”.

Am I being the a-hole here? I don’t think she’s old enough or mature enough to leave.”

Now see how folks reacted on Reddit.

One person said she’s an a**hole and it sounds like she doesn’t really know her daughter very well.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user also said she’s an a**hole and that her daughter is doing fine without her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said this mom needs to get a clue.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about what went down?

Sound off in the comments!

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