When we’re all used to something the way it is, and we’ve never considered that it could be something completely different, it can be hard to wrap our minds around how cool it might be if it did.
People are creatures of habit, after all. Changes makes us uncomfortable. But if you can put all of that aside from a minute and listen to this guy’s bright idea, you just might climb up on board with the rest of Twitter.
It all began where so much subversive brilliance is born – in fan fiction.
Fan fiction, in case you’re not hip to it, is when fans of some kind of media – books, movies, television, comics, manga, whatever – write their own stories in the existing worlds and with existing characters. It’s often pretty darn good, and people love letting their imaginations run wild.
In this case, it ran wild through the Batman universe.
Basically, he imagined a world where Batman doesn’t use his impressive arsenal to battle imaginary villains, but to take on corrupt and abusive cops, instead.
He begins with the idea (and a shot at the film’s writers) that Batman’s main purpose is not fighting crime, but being able to circumvent those pesky laws that law enforcement has to follow.

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The result is the implication that cops would be better at their jobs if there weren’t like, constitutional rights and stuff.

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He points out that, the “grittier” Batman has gotten, the less his wealth even plays into what he brings to the crime-fighting table in Gotham.

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Is this making you uncomfortable? I’m uncomfortable.

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Back in the day, when Batman was kitschy, his toys were everything. They were what made him able to fight the criminals with equally inventive gadgets.

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The police really needed Batman back then.

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Nowadays, the police have everything that used to set Batman apart, that made him necessary – and more.

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He still gets to be worse than them, though. In some ways.

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Deeply uncomfortable now.

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But wait! He knows how to fix it!

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You can’t argue with facts.

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I want to see this movie now.

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Except it seems a little too much like real life.

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Don’t tease me.

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You know they would. This would happen.

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Of course he is.

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Rich people, am I right?

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No one said being good was easy.

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Go on. *eats popcorn*

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This doesn’t read like fiction.

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Why can’t this be a real thing?

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Technology for the win.

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Somehow I don’t see that happening.

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I kind of want to cheer. Just me?

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The perfect final image.

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And even Batman needs hashtag.

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Well, what do you think? Would you watch it? Does it make you angry?
Maybe we should all sit with our uncomfortable tummies for awhile and think about the reasons this will probably never get made.