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The metric system vs. the imperial system: it’s a debate that’s been raging for decades, at least.
The metric system is neat and logical. The imperial system, which we Americans cling to, is not.
Twitter user @innesmck recently discovered this fact, to his horror.

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Yep, that’s right. Sixteen.
You’re okay with that, right?

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He’s not okay with it.
Sensibly, he digs a bit further into the magic of the imperial system.

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I guess 14 and 16 are both even? I don’t know. I didn’t come up with this system.
He continues his decline into chaos…. and it’s a hilarious sight to see.

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Even his mother betrayed him. Damn you Margaret!

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And cups nearly end him.

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It’s a conspiracy.

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Now, it’s time for existential questions.

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He’s clearly become unhinged.

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And, of course, someone has to have fun with poor Innes. Because Innes deserves it.

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He’s finally lost it. No going back down. Further down the rabbit hole he goes!

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I haven’t even heard of this one. Is this even a thing?

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And here we leave Innes, a broken man.

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Should we tell him about miles? Nah.
Alright, so that was quite a thread, yeah? Can you believe what you just read?
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