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People who deliver mail often have a reputation for not exactly loving the dogs on their route – with good reason, perhaps, because I’m sure they see their fair share of pooches that aren’t exactly friendly.
But UPS driver Jason “Jay” Hardesty is looking to improve working relationship between him and the dogs on his route, and the resulting images are totally heartwarming.
He’s been sharing pictures of the dogs he meets on his daily trek through New Orleans, and, honestly, even the pups look like they’re smiling!
Perhaps this is a case of both parties needing to spend a little quality time together to change their perceptions.
He told Buzzfeed News that things started to change when he was assigned to a new route.
“My old route, which was more families, the dogs did not like you.
They moved me to a different area of town with more people my age, more single people, and the dogs were a lot friendlier.”
Hardesty is just 30, and spends some time petting and cuddling the dogs before snapping a pic.
You can follow his hashtag on Instagram – #pupsofjay – if you need your own days brightened just a bit.
And he won’t overwhelm your feed, either – he posts one dog every Friday and the others go on a waiting list.
If this isn’t the best thing ever, I don’t know what is, and I’m not the only one who thinks so – one of the women on his route shared his hashtag and now his followers are growing with no sign of slowing down.
All is as it should be in internet land.