I’m not sure when the first time was that I realized these “celebrity paradoxes” existed. If you’re not sure what that means, it’s when a character or storyline on a tv show or in a movie references a celebrity, and then later, that celebrity appears, not as themselves.
Or, it could be when two actors meet in a movie and act as if they don’t know each other, even though they clearly do.
Here are 5 that should definitely get you going!
5. My Family and Zoe Wanamaker.

Image Credit: BBC
Wanamaker plays the character Madame Hooch in the Harry Potter films, but doesn’t seem to see her own face on a cereal box as she fights with another My Family character over the card inside.
4. Fight Club and Brad Pitt.
There’s a scene where Marla (and the Narrator) are outside of a cinema, and the film on the marquee is Seven Years in Tibet.
That movie, of course, also stars Brad Pitt.
By the way, this was done on purpose as an inside joke between Pitt and the director David Fincher.
3. One Day at a Time and Netflix.
Leslie says he’s “watched all of Netflix,” and since the show is on Netflix, he must have seen himself on television, so the show isn’t real life.
2. Heroes and Hiro Nakamura.
Nakamura is an avid Star Trek fan on the show, and yet he doesn’t seem to notice that his own father on the show is George Takei, the original Mr. Sulu!
1. Sonny with a Chance and Selena Gomez
Even though Demi Lovato (the show’s star) and Selena Gomez are bffs in real life, Demi doesn’t seem to recognize her when she makes a guest appearance (as herself). Awkward.
There’s no way to unsee these after you’re aware, so you’re welcome!
What’s your favorite example of this? Tell us in the comments!