I know these women are probably right with God, being nuns and all, but I have a feeling this is gonna take a ton of confessions to be forgiven.
Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Lang are accused of embezzling $500,000 (that’s half a million to all you high rollers out there) from St. James Catholic School in Torrance, California, to fund their trips to the gambling mecca of the U.S., Las Vegas.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The jokes here are just endless: Nuns on the Run, Nuns Having Fun, Sister Act, etc…but back to the story.
The two nuns took the money over a 10-year period from student tuition fees and donations while explaining away discrepancies by saying the school operated on a minimal budget.
Both ladies retired, but Sister Mary Margaret was the school principal for 28 years and Sister Lana taught 8th grade for 20 years.

Photo Credit: ABC News
As of now, the archdiocese doesn’t want the two nuns to be prosecuted.
In a letter, Monsignor Michael Meyers said,
“Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Lana have expressed to me and asked that I convey to you, the deep remorse they each feel for their actions and ask for your forgiveness and prayers.
They and their order pray that you have not lost trust or faith in the educators and administrators of the school.”
Honestly, after 20+ years of embezzling from children’s education, it’s hard to see how a little apology like that really cuts it.
But we’ll have to wait and see how the story plays out for these two trouble-making women of the cloth.