It used to be that kids went off to college to find themselves – to wander through campus and classes until they found something that called to them, a direction they felt they could follow happily for the rest of their lives. Now, with the rising cost of education and living in general, I would imagine that more people are concerned with practical things like how easy it will be to find a job when they graduate and how much money they’ll make when they do.

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If I was starting over, I’d probably pick something more practical and money-smart than Film and then Ancient History. And I love what I do.
So, if you’re someone headed to college without a clear vision for the future, here are the most and least valuable college majors, according to Forbes.
They reached the conclusions on most valuable by analyzing US Census Bureau surveys to see how many people with bachelor’s degrees were working in a field connected to their major. It looked at 162 college majors and analyzed unemployment rates, incomes, and the number of people who’s jobs required higher degrees.
Most Valuable

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#10. Finance
#9. Civil Engineering
#8. Mechanical Engineering
#7. Molecular Biology
#6. Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and administration
#5. Applied mathematics
#4. Health and medical preparatory programs
#3. Nucelar Engineering
#2. Zoology
#1. Actuarial Science
Least Valuable

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#10. Library science
#9. Interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies
#8. Drama and theater arts
#7. Educational psychology
#6. Human services and community organization
#5. Visual and performing arts
#4. Cosmetology services and culinary arts
#3. Clinical psychology
#2. Composition and speech
#1. Miscellaneous fine arts
Just something to think about while you’re poring over that course catalogue – but if you’ve got your heart set on a direction already, consider your happiness in the future along with the size of your bank account.