Ahh fall. Summer is coming to an end and with its close, we get cool weather, crisp air, and that beautiful sound of leaves rustling in the wind. Can you tell I love fall?
While not everyone loves fall as much as I do (you don’t I promise), for many, it brings the welcome opportunity of a new beginning, a chance to hit the reset button as we get ready for the long winter ahead.
Luckily for us, it’s also a chance to witness the amazing beauty of fall foliage! As a resident of North Carolina, I’ll go on record saying that I believe our fall colors rival any location across the country.
Photo Credit: Facebook,Ashley Beth Photography
But I’m sure New Englanders would have plenty to say about that.
Photo Credit: Facebook,Ngoc Luu
Regardless of what part of the U.S. you live in, there’s a handy new map that you should take advantage of this fall. SmokeyMountains.com released the interactive map to show folks across the country when peak leaf season will be in their neck of the woods. The screenshot below shows what fall coverage will look like on September 17. The sliding scale on the website allows you to change dates
Photo Credit: SmokyMountains.com
This version shows how much things will change by October 1.
Photo Credit: SmokyMountains.com
These predictions are made using an algorithm that includes millions of data points from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and from past foliage patterns. Be sure to use this map to plan out some of your fall trips. Happy leaf watching!
Photo Credit: Facebook,NECN
h/t: Mashable