It’s that time again – the time Jimmy Fallon gets Twitter users to spill their deepest, darkest secrets in order to make people laugh. This week, it’s the dumbest lie they’ve ever told with #MyDumbLie. Some of them are pretty easy to relate to, but others…not so much.
#15. Awww, way to throw yourself on the sword for the pup.

Photo Credit: NBC
#14. Dying (#badpuns)
@jimmyfallon #MyDumbLie
Friend who worked for a mortuary, moving a body, he farted in front of the family, & said “They do that sometimes”— Deborah Richard (@drichardjewels) August 29, 2016
#13. Soooooo much better than saying “I got a tattoo.”
@jimmyfallon when my mom saw my tattoo and ask what it was. I told her I drew on myself. #mydumblie
— Jane Olsen (@bookssportsme) August 27, 2016
#12. Pokemon Go: Saving Marriages Everywhere
#MyDumbLie I told my husband to take a romantic walk with me around the park little did he know it was to play Pokemon Go @jimmyfallon
— Ms.BetsyO (@MsBetsy_O16) August 26, 2016
#11. Why are grownups so mean??
We would tell my niece to look for black fireworks on July 4th. They were our favorite. #mydumblie @jimmyfallon
— Misty Hymel (@MHymel) August 25, 2016
#10. After which, I assume, your parents had you tested for multiple personality disorder?

Image Credit: NBC
#9. Now you’ve ruined my trust in all of my internet friends. Jerk.
@jimmyfallon I told an Internet friend that I was actually a famous japanese singer and he believed me for like a year lol #mydumblie
— Petty Betty Official (@realpettybetty) August 27, 2016
#8. This is kind of sad.
@jimmyfallon When I was in Kindergarten we had a Sub and I lied & said it was my Birthday. I really wanted that paper crown #MyDumbLie
— Michael P D’Andrea (@MichaelPDAndrea) August 26, 2016
#7. I want to know if this worked. For reasons.
@jimmyfallon I’m sorry I was speeding officer, but I really really need to poop. #mydumblie
— NT (@n2ee) August 25, 2016
#6. Classic.
@jimmyfallon When I was a child I told a friend with my same birth date I was born at midnight just to feel as older as possible #MyDumbLie
— Romano Guatteri (@rguatteri) August 25, 2016
#5. Wait, why did he bring the beer instead of just buying it there? I totally believe the lie got him laid, though. Which may or may not be a fair trade-off for having to drink Michelob Ultra.

Photo Credit: NBC
#4. Siblings are so sweet. NOT.
@jimmyfallon I convinced my little brother to pronounce ambulance am-bli-ance. It took years to get him to say it right. #MyDumbLie
— saralorine (@saralorine) August 27, 2016
#3. Here’s hoping your boss isn’t a Tonight Show fan.
@jimmyfallon I was late to work because my tire was flat. As many times as I’ve used this excuse it has never been true. #MyDumbLie
— Shali Alexander (@ShahalisMaximus) August 26, 2016
#2. Seems legit.
@jimmyfallon In college, my friends were making fun of my stubby thumbs so I told them they got run over by a big wheel as a kid #MyDumbLie
— Kim Kelly (@kimkelly1005) August 25, 2016
#1. “It wasn’t me.” #oldestlieever

Photo Credit: NBC
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