
Was This Widow Wrong To Sell Her Ex’s Home To Someone Other Than His Parents?

Death is a sensitive subject no matter how and when it happens or who is involved. If the person who passes is close to you, it can be an odd juxtaposition between the loss of a loved one and needing to deal with a bunch of legal paperwork besides.

This woman and her husband had been separated at the time of his death, but since they were still legally married, she was named administrator of his estate.

Last year my husband died in a car accident. We were separated for about a year prior but not officially divorced, so I was named the administrator of his estate.

I have my own home and I’m financially independent. We had two children together.

Soon afterward she learned that his parents were the beneficiaries of his estate, despite the fact that they had two children together, and inherited quite a bit of money.

They also said they wanted to purchase his home, but in a year’s time have made no serious offer or other progress on that front, despite OP telling them she was growing weary of paying the mortgage on the property (in addition to her own).

In late summer of last year I learned that his parents were the beneficiaries and received a boat load of money. Since his death his parents have told me that they have wanted to buy the home.

I have been waiting for them to go through with the purchase since august, I have been paying the mortgage on his home ever since. In February I warned them that I was sick of paying for two mortgages and that I needed them to go through with the purchase, they have dragged their feet ever since and told me that it was in their lawyers hands and they had no control.

My lawyer has not received any kind of formal offer from them, other than their lawyer stating they were interested.

In the interim, another buyer made a good offer on the home. When she relayed this information to her in-laws they brushed it off, leading OP to go ahead and sell the home to the person ready to buy it immediately.

Last week I was approached by a gentleman willing to pay good money for the home. I warned them hoping it would make them move forward on their end but they scoffed and told me that I just needed to be patient and wait.

It has been an entire year of waiting, of them letting me pay the mortgage on his home and support our children while they go on vacations, make large purchases and pay off their debt with the life insurance.

Am I the a$$hole for accepting an offer from someone that isn’t them? Is selling the home of their dead son wrong?

She’s wondering if she crossed a line selling their son’s property to someone else, and as always, Reddit is ready to weigh in.

Not only does the top comment not think OP is the jerk, they think they should go further to make sure they’re compensated for their troubles.

Image Credit: Reddit

Also, since they were still married, those in-laws might be spending some of her money.

Image Credit: Reddit

OP needs to think about her kids, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

And no, she shouldn’t feel guilty about it at all.

Image Credit: Reddit

Her in-laws sound like s*%t grandparents all the way around.

Image Credit: Reddit

Normally I would say she should just recoup what she lost and move on, but there are kids to think about here.

Would you feel guilty at all if you were OP? Tell us why or why not in the comments!