
Wash Your Hands Right Away When You Touch These 5 Items

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Since the coronavirus pandemic has swept the world, everyone has been offering tips and tricks to prevent contamination. Visit a local drug store or supermarket and you’re bound to find endless empty shelves and long lines.

While people scramble to scrounge up the last bottles of hand sanitizer, there’s an even better practice to help combat the spread of germs, and it’s probably something you should be doing more of: washing your hands.

Now hand washing is important after we use the bathroom or get to work in the kitchen. But most people don’t realize the objects we come in contact with on a daily basis can be a breeding ground for germs. Make sure to get to the sink and start scrubbing if you touch these five items:


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Whether it’s a restaurant, a classroom or an apartment, a doorknob is an easy place for germs to survive. People wash their hands a bit less often than they should, and you have no idea how many people come in contact with a doorknob every day. Also consider handrails on public transportation as potentially dirty and dangerous.

Restaurant Menus

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Restaurants are notorious for being dirty behind closed doors. And while the kitchen and food storage areas can be potentially contaminated, the potential for germs starts before you even take a bite.

Menus get picked up, perused through and placed down all day long. Many customers don’t even wash their hands before sitting down to dine. According to researchers from the University of Arizona, menus contain an average of 185,000 bacterial organisms.

Ready to order?


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Cash may be king, but it can also be contaminated. In fact, the phrase dirty money might be more accurate than you think. Even the staunchest credit card enthusiasts may run into a cash-only situation.

It turns out that dollar bills can be a safe haven for microorganisms from a lot of nasty places, including DNA from pets and viruses. According to the Federal Reserve, $100 bills can circulate for up to 15 years. That just means more exposure to germs and other harmful pathogens.

Maybe Venmo and credit cards should be the way to go after all.


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Animals are adorable. They’re cuddly and cute. They can also carry potentially dangerous diseases.

Everyone loves petting the family dog or cat, but few immediately run to the restroom to wash their hands. That’s a habit that many of us should correct. So the next time you play fetch with your favorite furry friend, take a trip to the sink and wash your hands after.

Phones or anything with a screen

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We use our phones and other devices on a daily basis. From finding a new bar to calling a friend, smartphones are almost an extension of ourselves. Unfortunately, we also fail to consider how often they come in contact with the floor, desks and other surfaces that may not be quite as clean as they appear.

Even worse, that same contaminated phone screen comes into contact with our face. To keep dangerous germs or viruses at bay, wash your hands after using your phone.

You can call me later to thank me.