
What Do We Need to Stop Making People Feel Insecure About? People Responded.

A thing I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older is that the people you pass on the street and in public places don’t really care all that much what you’re doing or what you look like.

It’s true!

I used to be so worried about looking dumb or about a variety of other things, and then I finally realized that no one is really paying attention…they’re usually focused on themselves…but that’s a whole different story.

BUT, the question still remains: what should we make people stop feeling insecure about?

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Everyone’s on their own path.

“Where you should be success-wise at a certain age. I’m 23, graduated college, but couldn’t get a job in my field right after graduating.

I’m living with my parents to save money on rent, working at a restaurant, and growing my skills that I learned from college, while working on myself. I’m severely insecure and realized recently that for the past ten years, I have been constantly striving for a level of perfection that is absolutely impossible and calling myself a failure for it.

I woke up to the realization that I was getting serious anxiety and was limiting everything I did. It’s just that I’m not exactly ready for the world of adults. I’m terrified and unsure and it doesn’t help hearing people despair over how they “ruined their lives” when they aren’t that old.

The pressure to get somewhere in two years demotivates me sometimes. It’s something I’m fixing, but I don’t like hearing people force time limits on others and reprimand them if they never fulfill it or haven’t.

I saw a post here about a few days ago asking 25-year-olds how they screwed up in their lives (or something along those lines) as if 25 is the deadline for achievements.

It’s good to have deadlines, but everybody grows at their own pace and has roadblocks in their lives that slow them down. Heck, the human brain apparently doesn’t stop developing at 25 and grows even after 60 years old. Some people genuinely do try but get so discouraged that they give up and then get ridiculed for not doing anything.

I only learned recently that my 30-year-old cousin just got over a terrible drug addiction that cost his job and almost his livelihood for years. But he got out, finished college, and is a changed man getting better jobs and doing better.

There’s always time.”

2. Let it all out.

“Being an emotional male.

Of course there’s times where you just can’t be, but generally I think that it should be okay without being called a p*ssy.”

3. Live your life.

“This is more for the United States I think from what I’ve read, but: taking your vacation days/taking off work.

Corporate America makes people feel like they shouldn’t be taking vacation days or can’t take off. I know personally at my job, people take vacation days and still email/work all day long!!!

We get vacation days for a reason and don’t owe our companies anything, so they shouldn’t make us feel insecure about taking them when we want and need to.”

4. Lone wolf.

“Not wanting to have a lover.

I personally don’t care for a love life (I believe the term for this is “aromantic”) but I haven’t told anyone because I feel like the response I’ll get will be along the lines of “you haven’t found the right one” or “aromantic/as*xual people don’t exist”.”

5. Words to live by.


Mind your own business and don’t be a d*ck.”

6. BS.

“Not associating with a toxic family or family member.

The “blood is thicker than water” thing is BS.

Some families are abusive, manipulative, neglectful, etc. If you choose not to have them in your life, that’s perfectly ok.”

7. Work it out.

“Mental health struggles.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking time to figure out what process works for you, despite why people around you might want to tell you.”

8. Have a good time.

“Everything that doesn’t harm others but makes the person happy.

Be silly, enjoy yourself.

Make snow angels in the rain, I dont care.”

9. Just fine the way you are.

“Being short.

It’s amazing that it’s socially acceptable to make fun of a short male like everyone is in on the joke.

Those same people would never make fun of someone to their face who is obese or has a birth defect or acne, etc, but being short is obviously something a person has no control over.”

10. All jobs are important.

“Your job.

Too many people are elitist about someone’s occupation and look down on essential workers.”

11. It’s a public service.

“Buying condoms.

Please, it’s really important.”

12. Not a choice.

“Being poor

It’s not a choice, I am doing the best I can and just because I receive food stamps or any other type of assistance doesn’t make me a POS.

I see a lot of hate for poor people, like we are supposed to fit this stereotype with dirt on our face and stained up clothes.

It isn’t so far fetched to think my ‘designer’ clothes come from a thrift store, my nails are press on from the dollar store and my iphone is so old it still has a headphone jack.”

13. Shhhhhh…

“Being quiet.

“You never say anything” is such a weird way to both draw attention to someone and give them nothing to work with.”

14. Let it out!

“The way someone laughs.

This world is cold and unforgiving. Laughing makes it all a little less heavy.

Who gives a f*ck a what it sounds like?”

15. I think it’s a good thing.

“Trade school/gap years.

College right after high school isn’t for everyone.

Even some of my smartest friends  should’ve taken a gap because they burned themselves out getting 95-97% avgs throughout HS.”

16. Every job is important.

“Their jobs.

If you clean/fix sewerage pipes, then thanks for your service.

Someone must have the balls to do it.”

17. Nothing wrong with it.

“Having acne, it doesn’t mean you’re dirty or don’t wash your face.

It’s simply a skin condition some people get and some people don’t.”

18. Good point.

“Being wrong.

It’s okay to be wrong.

Just be open to learning instead of doubling down on being wrong or getting angry.”

19. It’s not weak.

“Needing mental health treatment.

Even if that treatment includes medication. I get so many weird backhanded comments when people find out I take psychiatric medication.

I hate that people think of it as the “easy way out” and view me as giving up or being weak.”

20. Get out there and do it!

“Exercising in public.

To me anyone giving it a go, no matter their physical ability, deserves praise!”

21. A sore subject.


It doesn’t seem to be as common for it to happen naturally with women, but for men and women, it can be a really sore subject, especially if it starts happening at a fairly early age.

You could be in control of every other aspect of your life, but if you start losing hair early, it can take the wind out of your sails.”

22. Enjoy yourself!


Let people be excited about sh*t. Let them like things you don’t. Let people express powerful positive emotions.

And cry. And get deep into how to show anger respectfully.”

23. Do what you gotta do.

“Not having relationships with some or all family members.

Some people just suck, and someone has to have the misfortune of being related to them.”

24. Can’t control that.

“Crooked teeth.

They grew in that way and my parents (divorced) both had insurance on me, but argued over who’s responsibility it should be.

Well now its mine but I can’t afford it.”

25. Dancing machine!

“One thing I will never make fun of someone for is how they dance.

I don’t care if they dance “white” or if they have no rhythm or if they’re just moving side-to-side; if they’re having fun, that’s literally all that matters.

Making fun of someone who’s having fun will kill that fun, and I refuse to be a killjoy.”

26. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

“Making any kind of mistake.

Social media has created an illusion that everyone has to be perfect.”

What do you think people should stop feeling insecure about?

Sound off in the comments and tell us what you think.

Thanks in advance!