
What Do We Pretend No One Does, but We All Do It? Here’s What People Said.

Hmmm, this is going to be a pretty interesting conversation, don’t you think?

You bet it is!

Because there are all kinds of things that people pretend they don’t do that WE ALL DO.

Check out what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Don’t even worry about it.

“Have anxiety after social events.

“Was I weird?”

“Did they like me?”

“Did I look well enough?”

We all do this. Your friends don’t hate you. They are just as worried about you hating them as you are of them. A healthy person doesn’t sit and think about how much they hate a person they either just saw or met.

Your real friends won’t care about the things you think they hate you for (acting weird, saying something awkwardly, second hand embarrassment). Just breathe. You are loved, even if it’s just by yourself. You are loved.”

2. I’m really busy.

“Lying about watching a video or seeing a meme someone sent you by text because you can’t be bothered at the moment.”

3. Too late!

“Coming up with the perfect comeback in your head long after the other person left.”

4. Admit it…

“Judge others.

Then get over the top p**sed when it comes back to us.”

5. Something came up.

“When you make plans with someone and then regret it, so you cancel the plans with a lie about why you can’t make it instead of saying you just don’t feel like going.”

6. Sometimes,you have to…

“Fake it ‘til you make it.

Nobody’s life is that perfect.”

7. Get rid of it.

“Kicking the ice cube that fell under the refrigerator, so we don’t have to pick it up.”

8. That’s painful.

“Spontaneously remember something embarrassing that I’ve said or done.

Without any reason for the memory to come up. And wince at the memory.

Could easily be from as long as 15 years ago.”

9. Compare yourself.

“Look up people from our past to secretly compare our lives to theirs now.

Dumb yeah, but a great waste of time.”

10. LOL.

“Lie about how put together our life is.

That action is like one of the founding fathers of social media.”

11. Out of control.

“We all stay on our cellphones all the time. I do it, my sister and brother do it, and my parents do it.

I pay my bills on it, I

call people on it, and I have way more apps on it, then I would like to admit. So, yeah overuse of cellphones, I think it is something we all do and I admit I do it to.”

12. I deserve it!

“Play the lottery and truly believe you are the only person in the world that deserves to win because you feel your sob story is worthy of a pay out.”

Now it’s your turn!

Tell us what you think about this in the comments.

Thanks, friends!