I hope that you clicked on this headline because you love a scintillating saga, because ladies and germs (and everyone else), have I got a story for you.
This is the tale, my friends, of how a gargoyle dressed in holiday regalia really, really managed to get under the skin of a neighborhood Karen, even though his attire was obviously none of her business.

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The beginning of the tale harkens back to a time when Frank the Gargoyle was not adorned with festive attire at all, but was a simple naked gargoyle minding his own biscuits.
And not doing his job of warding off evil, but we digress.

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The “neighbors” did not appreciate her humor, but were informed that the Elf on the Shelf is always watching.
I hope they’re frightened by the prospect of no visit from Santa, but I won’t hold my breath.

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Now he has a snowman friend! He honestly looks happier now, idk.

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Frank is a Die Hard fan. Of course he is; who isn’t?!

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Is “Karen” a fan? We’ll have to wait and see, but I think we all know the answer.

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His own hellhound. I honestly think this display looks great.

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Oh it’s a skeleton cat. That’s scarier than a dog anyway.

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I, too, am confused about the homeless remark, and the rest of is it just laughably hypocritical.

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She taped the pot and kettle picture to the door. Y’all, I cannot.
And he DOES have a dog!! Oh, I am SO happy.

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I guess she didn’t like the note. No word on Die Hard.

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She’s obviously wrong. There’s an entire song about it and it’s every kid’s favorite Christmas song for at least a few years of their childhood.

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So glad she pointed out the song.

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Wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the city for not properly announcing the dog.

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He went there with Phantom of the Opera lyrics. I kind of want to marry this person.

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And a wreath that’s a portal to Alternate Christmas?? You’ve gotta appreciate the creativity (unless you’re “Karen.”

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It’s a plush Covid. A) where did she get that and B) WHERE DID SHE GET THAT?

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She actually used the trash can so I think the joke’s on her.

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It’s a plague doctor. In a Santa hat. This person is COMMITTED.
Or perhaps should be committed, I can’t honestly tell.

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She’s reported him to the HOA and the mayor? *clutches pearls*

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Ma’am that is destruction of property.
(Please say he filed a report).

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She’s definitely not respecting the 6-foot rule.

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Who knew one person could own so many rats?

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Seriously so many.

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This entire thing is pretty epic, and might be the best and only way to take care of a neighborhood “Karen.”
Let this be a lesson to all of you busybodies out there – and all of you will surely be dealing with one sometimes in the near or distant future.