Double standards can really get people fired up, but when it comes down to it most folks sit around complaining and don’t do anything. But one woman named Lindsey decided that there was so many brain-dead, oblivious fellas out there piling on to dumb double standards, she just had to mock them publicly.
Lindsey created Cards Against Harassment as a way to document the catcalls, unwanted advances, and rude behavior that women experience on the street every day. Because of the nature of her project, she has uncovered A TON of men who are really, really clueless. These guys go out of their way to insult woman who post sexy, scantily-clad photos of themselves – but there’s just one problem.
Should we, though? #shirtlessshamers2016
— CardsAgstHarassment (@CardsAgstHrsmt) January 16, 2016
They then do the EXACT SAME THING they’re calling out the ladies for! Lindsey has decided to put these men on full blast, shaming them and their double standard on Twitter, and the posts are all hilarious.
I honestly wish this was harder. #shirtlessshamers2016
— CardsAgstHarassment (@CardsAgstHrsmt) January 14, 2016
It’s just too easy…
You show me a proud brother and I'll show you a sister rolling her eyes RULL hard. #shirtlessshamers2016
— CardsAgstHarassment (@CardsAgstHrsmt) January 14, 2016
Way, way too easy…
Ladies, if you're wondering what wife material looks like, this is not it, apparently. #shirtlessshamers2016
— CardsAgstHarassment (@CardsAgstHrsmt) January 14, 2016
Even Batman has his issues…
I don't know about "95% of girls" but data suggests 100% this guy. #shirtlessshamers2016
— CardsAgstHarassment (@CardsAgstHrsmt) January 14, 2016
They go on….

Photo Credit: Twitter, CardsAgstHrsmt
and on…

Photo Credit: Twitter, CardsAgstHrsmt
and on and on and on…

Photo Credit: Twitter, CardsAgstHrsmt
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