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Doesn’t this sound like a deal?
You buy a house and I get to live in it!
It’s a win-win for everyone, right?
Well, maybe not…
While you contemplate that deal, check out this story from AskReddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page.
AITA for refusing to give my house to my sister?
“So me and my boyfriend recently bought a house together.
We’re both 25, and we were able to buy a house relatively early since houses aren’t too expensive where I am. We also live with our 6 month old Bernadoodle Puppy, and our 5 year old Bulldog who we rescued. We don’t plan on having children, so the primary reason’s for buying a house was to have room for ourselves and our dogs. I should note that my parents are supportive of my decision.
My sister, who is 26, is not childfree however. She currently has a 1 year old daughter, and recently found out that she is pregnant again. Last week, she called me to ask if she could live in our house. She offered to pay £1200 per month in rent, so that we could rent out a nice place of our own.
I asked why she wanted to do this, and she explained that she wants room for her children (our house has 4 bedrooms, which is quite large for a house in the UK). I explained to her that as much as I would like to be able to help her, me and my boyfriend worked hard to buy a house, so we didn’t want to leave and go back to renting. She immediately got really pi**y with me.
She said that I’m “selfish” for buying a house when I don’t want kids, when there are so many families, such as hers, who could use my house. She also critiqued me for buying a bernadoodle puppy (side note: we would’ve rescued if we could, however, none of the rescues in our area had a bernadoodle, so we made sure to buy from a reputable breeder).
After I told her that she wouldn’t be getting to live in my house, she told me that me and my husband will never have a family, regardless of how many “mutts” we fill it with. I haven’t spoken to her since.
Today, my father called me. I told him about how ridiculous my sister was being, however, he sided with her, although, not nearly as crazily. He said that I should “think about it”, since I’d be doing my sister a “favour.”
AITA for not doing this for my sister?”
Now take a look at what Reddit users had to say about this.
This reader said it sounds like the sister needs to be a more responsible person…I agree.
Another person said that even if the sister did live in the house, you know it wouldn’t be pretty…
An individual agreed and said the person who wrote the post would most likely end up covering ALL expenses.
And lastly, another reader said that it’s obvious that the sister is able to support herself, it just doesn’t seem like she wants to.
Now it’s your turn!
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