
18 WTF Totally Anonymous Internet Confessions

Photo Credit: Pexels

10. Boog Appetite

I am in my late 30’s and I still eat my boogers and sometimes my scabs.I am not sure why I do it, My wife doesn’t know, I’ve done it since I was a kid and never stopped.

11. Benefits

I hear stories all the time about people sucking or fucking their bosses to get out of work. I wish I could find one that paid okay, and I could sit around and play on my phone all day, masturbate openly while at work, talk to guys on the phone, then at the end of the day just blow my boss and go home.

12. Paid

I lost my virginity to a prostitute… Long story short, it was… pleasant. I was 27 and had never been naked with a woman before, nor had I ever fooled around (even foreplay). I’ll admit simply getting over this hurdle was worth it but I didn’t perform very well (anxiety!). We finished in 30 minutes and spent the next 30 minutes just chatting.

13. My BF’s G

I want my best friend’s girlfriend for my own. I’ve known the girlfriend for much longer than I have known the best friend, and we have always clicked. As close to a soulmate as possible. But then we met my best friend, and he’s my best friend because he’s just like me, and I love him like a brother, because he’s the platonic equivalent. But I can’t stop thinking about her, she’s a goddess, think Taylor Swift with a fuller figure. She’s impossibly perfect, I have no doubt that she is as good as humanity has to offer. I want her. But I can’t lose the best friend that I have ever had. I don’t know.

14. Killer Kid

Once when I was about 4 years old I straight up tried to murder my 2 year old brother with a pillow. Almost succeeded too.

15. “For the record…”

I’m scared of being labelled a child molester/pedophile. You hear every so often about people being falsely accused of doing things to a child, and the possibility of that scares the shite out of me.

For the record, I’ve never touched one, never want to, never WILL.

16. Daycare from Hell

When I was 5, I went to daycare for the summer and suffered mental abuse from the caretakers there. They would always threaten to cut my head off and put it in a flower-pot. I would get scared and start to cry, so they would threaten me further if I didn’t stop crying.

One afternoon, they were doing their typical bullshit towards me, and again I began to bawl my eyes out. The main caretaker who took care of the babies actually called me over to her, set a bucket next to her, and told me to lay on her lap. I did what she said, and she pretended like she was about to cut my head off with a pair of scissors. I was so shocked and afraid that I just stopped crying. My tiny brain thought it was genuinely facing death.

After only a minute or so of nothing happening, I think the caretaker knew she went too far, and tried to comfort me. I just sat there on her lap, kind of staring off. She let me down, and I just went to a desk and sat there. I kept thinking in my head what I’d done so wrong to be almost put to death.

A week or so later, I was taken out of that center and put in a much nicer one.

17. The Favor

Today, I got asked to by a homeless person to kill him.

Now I feel like I’m in a funk, and have really confused/ disturbed feelings.

18. “I would just relax…”

I pooped my pants until I was 6 years old. I was potty-trained and fully capable, but thinking back, it always boiled down to whether or not I felt like going. If I didn’t feel like going in the toilet, I would just relax and fill my pants up.

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