Remember the good old days of Siskel and Ebert?
Okay, if you’re too young to remember them, they were a pair of very popular film critics and if they loved a film, it would get “Two Thumbs Up!”
It was their catchphrase and everyone in the country used to do it.
Sadly, both Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel have passed away, but people still say “Two Thumbs Up” all the time.
That’s your history lesson for the day AND you’re about to see 10 great facts that we give TWO THUMBS UP.
1. Is this thing real?
It had them stumped.

Photo Credit: did you know?
2. Same here!
We have a lot in common!

Photo Credit: did you know?
3. Did you know that?
This is really interesting.

Photo Credit: did you know?
4. This is incredible.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

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5. That makes sense.
Does this describe you?

Photo Credit: did you know?
6. I like the sound of this!
Sounds like paradise.

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7. It never happened.
That’s a surprise.

Photo Credit: did you know?
8. Placebo sleep.
Give it a shot.

Photo Credit: did you know?
9. This is cool!
I had no idea!

Photo Credit: did you know?
10. The international language.
He hoped it would bring the world together.

Photo Credit: did you know?
I’d say those facts definitely get two big thumbs up!
Okay, now we’d like to hear from the readers out there.
In the comments, tell us about something really cool that you only learned very recently.
Please and thank you!