Sure, animal lovers everywhere like the idea of having an adorable pet that no one has seen before, but we all know in our hearts that there are some beauties that are best observed from afar. Some are endangered, some are hard to take care of, and some would just be destructive as shit in a suburban neighborhood.

Photo Credit: Instagram, miis_98
If you’re sad about responsible animal ownership, I guarantee looking at these 10 pictures will make you smile again – even if you can’t ever take one of these little critters home.
10. Ili Pika

Photo Credit: Instagram, shit_la_merde
This is like a rabbit but way cuter, and also smaller. The endangered species has adorable red spots around it’s face and neck.
9. Blue Glaucus

Photo Credit: Instagram, oscar_harley_boy
The “blue angel” or “blue dragon” only grows up to 3cm long and lives in tropical waters. It looks like something that came out of Newt Scamander’s suitcase!
8. Quokka

Photo Credit: Instagram, studyqueensland
The “happiest animal in the world” hails from Australia and needs a very strict type of habitat in order to maintain its good mood.
7. Dragon Lizard

Photo Credit: Instagram, seraphimvladi
The “dwarf dragon” was found fairly recently in the Andes. It’s actually a type of wood lizard, a diurnal critter that looks like it could show up on on Game of Thrones in a few years. Right?
6. Tapir

Photo Credit: Instagram, gleefulviolin
These awkward but tame little guys will eat you out of house and home.
5. Mantis Shrimp

Photo Credit: Instagram, wulfydiving
These marine creatures are beautiful, live in salt water, and come in various colors. They are notoriously hard to keep in populated aquariums because their punch is so powerful, it can easily crack quarter inch glass, and they’ll eat whatever they can get.
4. Sloth

Photo Credit: Instagram,
These hairy, wide-eyed, lazy creatures are many people’s spirit animals, but there’s a long list of reasons they do not make good house pets.
3. Orange Tortoise Spider

Photo Credit: Facebook, Ram Prasad
These cute little guys love the warmth of their home in the Amazon basin. Plus, no one really wants a spider.
2. Tahr

Photo Credit: Instagram, photo_fact_ory
It’s a goat with long, beautiful hair. Enough said.
1. Red Panda

Photo Credit: Instagram, yossi929
This adorable, clumsy mammal is affectionate and funny…and endangered.
h/t: Brightside
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