It’s an honor to be asked to stand up with a friend as they marry the love of their life. Most of us say yes without a second thought, whether the role is as huge as maid of honor or something smaller like manning the guestbook or being an usher.
For some women, though, one maid of honor experience was enough to sour them on ever doing it again – and these 10 ladies say once was definitely enough.
10. It’s the last bit that really stinks.
Like they just expect it for some reason.

Image Credit: Whisper
9. The helpful part is most important.
At least I hope that’s what the bride would say.

Image Credit: Whisper
8. She’ll be glad when it’s over.
And she can hang up that role for good.

Image Credit: Whisper
7. No one wants to see that.
Friendships are more fragile than most of us want to admit.

Image Credit: Whisper
6. How much time was it, though?
I feel like I might not want to know the answer.

Image Credit: Whisper
5. I bet she was surprised to be asked.
But what is she supposed to say?

Image Credit: Whisper
4. It’s not for everyone.
Some of us just don’t have it in there.

Image Credit: Whisper
3. A tough spot for anyone.
You can only say so much before they cut you off for good.

Image Credit: Whisper
2. She’s actually looking forward to the speech.
That’s not something you hear every day.

Image Credit: Whisper
1. That’s definitely awkward.
I feel like there is more to this story, though.

Image Credit: Whisper
Y’all, I do not know why people think being a bride gives them license to be awful.
Have you had a terrible experience as a maid of honor? Tell us about it in the comments!