
11 Posts That Will Make Your Social Anxiety Take A Break

Ok, ok, maybe I oversold it with the title, because we all know that social anxiety never takes a break – and if it does, you make plans that you inevitably end up regretting later.

And if you get that rambling mess of words, you’re definitely in the right place, and these 11 posts are going to tickle you pink.

11. All of life is a Pinterest fail.

And we’re definitely not nailing it.

Always embarrassing myself
byu/HipDope_lord insocialanxiety

10. No point in arguing.

Just eat it and shut up.

byu/kodelop insocialanxiety

9. Some of us take awhile to open up.

You know, like serial killers.

I don’t know if this has been posted here before but I laughed
byu/magnolia56 insocialanxiety

8. It never ends.

Literally never. Sorry.

This hits real close to home
byu/RekerOfScrubs insocialanxiety

7. I don’t know if it’s shame, but…

I definitely wouldn’t send it back.

[deleted by user]
by insocialanxiety

6. You just can’t chill.

How do people chill?

by insocialanxiety

5. Your mouth is dry.

And your heart pounds for the rest of the lecture.

Haha relatable, now cry 😟😔
byu/prishyboi insocialanxiety

4. This is tough when you’re in college.

And also when you’re married, not gonna lie.

I live in a dorm there’s literally 20 rooms in a single straight hallway
byu/Hydraccion insocialanxiety

3. We all know this code, right?

I assume so.

Big facts
byu/Tquinn96 insocialanxiety

2. Hey, it could happen.

Hold out hope, you!

Hope it works…
byu/smth-abt insocialanxiety

1. I thought I was the only one.

I’m so happy that’s not true!

That be me
byu/qsauce6 insocialanxiety

Well, is anyone feeling better? Oddly, I sort of am.

I hope I’m not alone!