
12 Design Fails That You’re Really Not Going To Like

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from social media over the past several years, it’s that there are A TON of bad designers out there.

I’m talking about interior decorating, architectural layouts, pretty much anything you can imagine.

Hey, the saying “good help is hard to find” exists for a reason, ya know?

And here are yet even more design fails that we think are really going to make you cringe.

Let’s take a look.

1. Someone is gonna get hurt.

You better watch your step!

Steps that you can’t see
byu/Paarnahkrin inCrappyDesign

2. That’s pretty annoying.

I would be upset about this…

My glasses have an Oakley’s logo in the bottom left lens. I frequently think there is a smudge on my glasses, but nope!
byu/GallifreyanPrydonian inCrappyDesign

3. Who made this decision?

Because it wasn’t a good one!

Can’t stop thinking about this sink.
byu/aprilcotz inCrappyDesign

4. There was a murder in here…

But we don’t like to talk about it.

This hotels curtains look like there is blood on them
byu/robloxlegoman inCrappyDesign

5. This thing needs to be set on fire.

Can we all agree on that?

It’s a Justin Bieber couch
byu/Yulinka17 inCrappyDesign

6. I want to get to this level of flexibility.

And this place is gonna help me get there!

Yeah very flexible
byu/Omega_Hamster inCrappyDesign

7. I have a feeling this thing causes a lot of accidents.

I wonder how many people have backed into this fire hydrant
byu/cedarcicadas inCrappyDesign

8. This is just bad all around.

No more of this!

My friend’s under-the-stairs “bathroom” where the toilet is diagonal and partially installed into the carpeted wall.
byu/dbqbbq inCrappyDesign

9. You might as well come on in.

There’s plenty of room!

The dividers in this stall are way too high up. They could see my thighs.
byu/squishysockz inCrappyDesign

10. A bad accident waiting to happen.

Be very careful in this house…

If you walk on the right you fall down a staircase
byu/Banana_Moose123 inCrappyDesign

11. This is not inspiring anyone.

Graduates…do your best? Or something?

This ad for graduation photography
byu/box_cardinal_peanut inCrappyDesign

12. I’d never go back to this place if I were you.

Some weird stuff going on in here…

At the local gym
byu/herashoka inCrappyDesign

Ouch…those are pretty rough…

How about you?

Have you seen any really bad design fails lately that made you cringe?

If so, please share some pics and links with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!