
12 Epic Fails We Might All Get a Good Chuckle From

©Unsplash,Siavash Ghanbari

Life is really, really boring right now. So boring in fact that you might even be running out of things to be bored about.

Well, no more of that, I say! It’s time to see some folks who are, believe it or not, having a much worse lockdown than you or I. Some of them are to blame, and others just happen to be the victim of bad circumstances.

Let’s take a look at these epic fails…and just be glad that these didn’t happen to you.

1. Not so funny right now, is it?

Hopefully, you can give them to everyone sooner than later.

When your April fools prank is to replace all the mugs in the office, but everyone works from home now…
byu/DammitJames inWellthatsucks

2. Not a good way to spend your birthday.

Hang in there, kid. Next year you can have an epic party.

Poor kid…
byu/yourpantsaretoobig infunny

3. That looks like a nasty burn.

The dreaded toaster strikes again!

My submission for dumbest way to injure yourself: I burnt my hand taking tomato soup out of the microwave. The toast I was making popped up and it scared me.
byu/missouriprincess inWellthatsucks

4. That will NOT be fun to clean up.

Make sure you get all that glass up or you might be in for a surprise.

First day of quarantine and my shower decided to fall apart.
byu/zorixxe inWellthatsucks

5. What were you thinking here?

A total failure of the brain is what I call it.

Hello, stupidest thing I’ve ever done
by infunny

6. Just so you know, that’s NEVER coming up.

A gallon jar of honey cracked and spilled in my friend’s car the other day
byu/harrietpa inWellthatsucks

7. That’s a nightmare.

Must be a record.

Wedding was cancelled due to COVID-19. I’ve been on hold with Capital One Travel for 7 hours trying to cancel honeymoon hotel.
byu/c4key inWellthatsucks

8. A defective bag.

Go back and get a refund! Or more food!

Picked up dinner from a local restaurant…sauce leaked, bag broke, dinner said hello to the garage floor.
byu/eager_sleeper inWellthatsucks

9. Time to move out or burn your house down.

That is terrifying.

Went into my attic looking for a water leak coming into my living room and it appears that I’m also in quarantine with this whatever monstrosity left this behind. Its soft to the touch so I’m assuming it’s still around.
byu/lvnwk inWellthatsucks

10. “He came out of nowhere.”

There’s no one else on the road!

We have been forced quarantined for 48 hours. Notice the empty street and the closed gas station and these guys managed to get into a crash.
byu/clopz_ inIdiotsInCars

11. That REALLY sucks.

Good luck to you, sir.

COVID-19 shut down the dental school I was getting work done on for the next month. Wish me luck!
byu/pester21 inWellthatsucks

12. This is just pretty sad.

But at least he’s making the most of it.

So today’s supposed to be the best day of my life. Now I’m just going to have to settle for the next best option…
by inWellthatsucks

Okay, that was a nice little distraction from life for a while…

Now we’d like to hear from all of you out there.

In the comments, tell us how you’ve been spending your time and if you’ve had any ridiculous or funny or weird things happen to you since you’ve been locked in the house.

Please and thank you!