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Do you remember when you were a kid, you were taught that if a person picked on you, it really meant they liked you?
I remember that one, too!
And it turns out that wasn’t really true a lot of the time…lesson learned!
My point is that kids get taught a lot of ridiculous things in school, at home, and by other kids.
Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about this.
1. Whatever you say.
“Prior to college/university levels, there is far too much emphasis on simply believing what the teacher says, and not nearly enough on sourcing of their information or independent research.
Students are often expected to trust what they are being told is true without being taught how to make sure it actually is true.
This has created a lot of people willing to believe the first thing they hear, so long as the person saying it sounds “more educated.” (Politics and misinformation).”
2. Doing a lot of harm.
“Kids are starting social media so early these days, and I think that’s very dangerous because it puts a lot of pressure on the kid to attribute their worth to their social media success.
I also think parents are way too open with their social media when it comes to their kids, and it’s totally a violation of the child’s privacy, of which some parents will never admit.”
3. So weird.
“”He only hurts you because he likes you.”
Can we stop already with setting kids up to be in a**sive relationships because they were taught it’s a normal expression of love?”
4. Still did the right thing.
“That Rosa Parks protest was spontaneous, and that she was just some random person.
She was the secretary for the president of the local NAACP, and she was chosen because she was believed to be best to elicit sympathy for the cause (partially based on her light skin).
It was a carefully scripted event, aided by out of state activists.”
5. You need a balance.
““Studies are more important, there will be time for friends later.”
As an adult who cannot speak to people I’ll tell you now, you need to learn how basic communication skills early in life because later on people will be complete a**holes and won’t give you the time of day.”
6. A scam.
“Your whole future depends on your exam results.
You can return to education later on and succeed if you are motivated enough and don’t tie yourself down financially.”
7. Not a good idea.
“That adults are always right and the younger people are always wrong.
I get in trouble if I don’t blindly follow whatever any adult I know tells me, like my uncle getting to decide what I wear, because “he’s right since he’s older and knows more than me.”
People act like children don’t know anything, and that adults are gods and never make mistakes.”
8. Conform!
“It is absolutely unacceptable to be different from others. I have gotten into several fights with my parents for not dressing feminine like other girls my age, and I’ve only recently realized the possibility of my parents being incorrect.
I got my little sister to stop listening to that BS and, surprise, she agrees with me a lot more willingly than she did with my parents. I wonder why. I’ve also gotten a lot of s**t from people for being quiet, and almost every relative I meet questions why I don’t talk as much as my cousins and sister.
My parents blame me, and I get told everyday to “Be more like the other girls your age, it’s not that hard.””
9. Don’t know much about…
“A lot of history. Or at least how they teach it.
Most of the time, it’s “on this date, this happened” instead of going into straight-up detail. Like, okay I know who invented the phonograph in 1877… but what IMPACT did that have on society at that time?
How did that help the United States get to where it is today? I don’t get it.”
10. Not for everyone.
“That most people can even handle college.
You see so many people say go into engineering if you don’t want debt, but it is clear just from the comments here that most people can’t handle basic high school algebra, let alone all the fancy math you need to learn in engineering.”
11. Good for you.
“”Online friends aren’t real friends.”
Some of my best friends are people I met online from halfway across the world.”
12. Don’t believe it.
“School is the best days of your lives.
Rubbish. School is a toxic, high pressure, high anxiety setting that a lot of children can’t stand. Bullying, unnecessary exams, unnecessary pressure to decide what you want to do at a stupidly young age, having to meet some kind of peer pressure standard.
College and university years were so much better, for me personally. You’ve still got the exam pressures and, depending on where you’re staying I guess, peer pressure, but you are treated like an adult.”
Now we want to hear from you.
Tell us what you think about this in the comments.
Thanks in advance!