I don’t know about you, but when I hear antisocial personality disorder, I immediately think of people like Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson.
But just because atrocities have been committed by sociopathic people doesn’t mean that all people suffering from this disorder will go on to commit atrocities.
To be diagnosed with this disorder, a person merely has to show a pattern of behavior that is outside societal norms (antisocial), often seen as antagonistic or manipulative.
A lot of people describe it as not feeling emotion or remorse.
Here, 12 people explain what a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder means to them.
1. Sometimes you avoid people altogether
Your dog will never judge you.

Image credit: Whisper
2. An explanation for everything
That ah ha moment where it all starts to make sense.

Image credit: Whisper
3. May cause unexpected emotional reactions
Happy to have an explanation?

Image credit: Whisper
4. It doesn’t necessarily impact your job
But apparently it legally can, which seems wrong.

Image credit: Whisper
5. Dating is just… harder
For you and for your significant other.

Image credit: Whisper
6. Even you might be surprised by your feelings
Which can make navigating relationships all the more difficult.

Image credit: Whisper
7. You have to pretend a lot
Which makes you feel really weird during social interactions.

Image credit: Whisper
8. But a diagnosis can be unexpected
Sometimes it’s like–what are you supposed to do with this new information?

Image credit: Whisper
9. It can also be hard to believe
But to each their own. You have to do what’s right for you.

Image credit: Whisper
10. Even with a diagnosis, it can be hard on your family
What do they say? We hurt the ones we love?

Image credit: Whisper
11. The diagnosis itself doesn’t make you good or bad
It’s how you learn to deal with it, your behavior and actions.

Image credit: Whisper
12. You can still live a full, rich life
And spend your time helping others.

Image credit: Whisper
These really go to show that you can’t make assumptions about people based on a medical diagnosis.
Do you know anyone with antisocial personality disorder? Tell us about it in the comments.