
Posts by Jean M. Ward

11 People Share the Worst Things about Their Jobs

The only person I can think of who might not have ever complained about their job was probably Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. Everybody’s got something, no matter the job. I get hot under the collar if I have to repeat myself too many times, or take a meeting that could have been an email. My...

12 People Share Their Most Cringe-worthy Neighbor Encounters

The great Robert Frost famously wrote “Good fences make good neighbors,” and regardless of your poetic interpretation, I think we can all agree there is wisdom in that statement. Whether it’s because a good fence keeps your dog in or your neighbor’s cat out, sometimes it can be nice to have a barrier for when...

13 Early Confessions of Love That Might Make You Cringe

Most of us can probably agree that we don’t spend enough time telling our nearest and dearest just how much they mean to us. And finding the right time to say it for the first time can be tricky. But what do you do when the relationship is new and fresh and exciting–and someone ruins...

12 People Dish on the Bosses Who Made Them Cry

Work is hard enough, but what about when work makes you cry? I’ve had customers and coworkers make me cry in the past, but when it’s your boss? That’s when you know it’s bad–and probably time to look for a new gig literally anywhere else. Here are 12 people’s confessions about crying because of the...

10 Neighbors Describe Their Hilariously Close Encounters of the Awkward Kind

When I lived in my last apartment, I never really got to know my neighbors. But I definitely got to HEAR one of them plenty. I was awoken on many a night by their amorous encounters, and used to imagine taping a note to the front door suggesting that if she was THAT loud she...

12 Siblings Share Their Thoughts on Not Being the Favorite Child

Most parents swear that they don’t play favorites. I’m sure most of the time they think that’s true. But most siblings would argue that there is, in fact, a favorite, and for a variety of reasons. Those reasons, however, can reveal a complex set of family dynamics. Here’s what 12 siblings have to say about...

10 People Confess the Pain of Being the Less-Loved Child

Most parents deny having a favorite child, but most siblings insist it’s the baby. But what about those families where it’s painfully obvious who the favorite is? Where one child can do no wrong and the other, for whatever reason, never quite measures up? Well those unfavored sons and daughters are speaking up about what...

10 Moments in Cartoons That Were There for the Parents, Not the Kids

Having to watch entertainment made for kids on repeat with the beloved littles in our life can get pretty tedious. So it’s always fun when they stick in a joke or two for the adults who are watching for the fortyleventh time. BuzzFeed recently crowd-sourced some of these little hidden jokes, and a lot of...

Master P, Richard Patterson, and the First Black Owned American Supercar

Rapper and Entrepreneur Master P is no stranger to innovation. According to Wikipedia, his record label has undergone a number of changes, invigorations, and relaunches through the years. And now the musician, who hales from New Orleans, Louisiana, is branching out in a new direction. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR6ohXYFCEB Earlier this year, Master P joined forces with engineer...

10 Employees Whose Bosses Made Them Cry at Work

When I was in high school I had a band teacher who always made me cry. In his defense, he wasn’t mean and teenage girls are complicated creatures. It’s one thing when someone in a position of power makes you cry by accident, but check out how many people were made to cry by their...

Woman Goes Viral for a Thread About Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and We’re All Guilty

We all do it: stay up later than we know we should, even though we’re tired. When we were kids, it was called “being kids.” No one wants to be told when to go to bed, and to mention the healthy dose of FOMO that kids seem to have about what goes on after they’re...

12 Scariest Workplace Moments That Will Make You Shudder

I tend to be an anxious person, but in general, work has not been a very scary place for me. Unless you count presentations or inclement weather, there’s not too much to report. And lucky me, because some people have had truly terrifying experiences while at work, even in fields where you wouldn’t expect. 1....

10 People Share Their Most Scary Moments in the Workplace

I’ve worked at half a dozen different places in my life, and by and large the settings have been pretty tame. The wildest was probably a college dormitory. After reading about hair-raising moments in the workplace, I wracked my brain to think what mine would be. I did get off a plane once, on my...

12 Reasons Why People Ended Their Relationships

Marriage can be hard. It takes work and commitment. But sometimes, that’s not enough. It can be important to try to make things work, especially when you love someone. But life is short. Sometimes, it’s best to recognize when it’s time to get out of dodge. These 12 people figured it out, so that they...

10 Crystal Clear Moments When People Knew the Marriage Was Over

It’s never easy when a relationship, particularly a marriage, comes to an end. Whatever the situation, whatever the reason, change is hard enough all on its own without adding feelings into the mix. But sometimes, people just know it’s over. Here are 10 extremely clear moments when people knew it was time to move on....