The great Robert Frost famously wrote “Good fences make good neighbors,” and regardless of your poetic interpretation, I think we can all agree there is wisdom in that statement.
Whether it’s because a good fence keeps your dog in or your neighbor’s cat out, sometimes it can be nice to have a barrier for when those awkward encounters arise.
Here are the 12 cringiest moments between neighbors.
1. Learn to choose your moment, man
Now is NOT the time.

Image credit: Whisper
2. If you mess with my pet, you mess with me
Who could do that to an animal?!

Image credit: Whisper
3. But you have to give people an inch, too
Accidents happen, after all.
And some people are just CLUMSY. (Me. I am clumsy.)

Image credit: Whisper
4. When you really just wanted to be chill
And you get more than you bargained for.
5. Sometimes you don’t want to run into people you know

Image credit: Whisper
6. Sometimes people don’t have good people skills
And you just really don’t know what to do about it.

Image credit: Whisper
7. Whatcha gotta go spreading rumors for?
Such a strange thing to say about someone.

Image credit: Whisper
8. What’s your business is your business
And discretion is the better part of valor, and other sayings.

Image credit: Whisper
9. So very awkward
But sometimes people need a helping hand.

Image credit: Whisper
10. We will never speak of this again
Now that’s how you offer a helping hand.

Image credit: Whisper
11. Maybe it makes the job easier, you don’t know
Let the man live his best life.

Image credit: Whisper
12. Gross. Just add your neighbors on Facebook
And then hide them like everyone else.

Image credit: Whisper
Those are all pretty awkward and make you wonder why we ever speak to our neighbors at all. What’s your most awkward neighbor moment? Tell us in the comments!