Some objects aren’t things that most of us see on a regular basis – or ever at all – and so it can be hard to imagine how large or small it is, even if we know intellectually that it’s an extreme size on one end of the scale or the other.
One easy way to make us understand quickly a scale is to use a human being, because we can all easily imagine how big one of those is, right?
Here are 12 pictures that use a person “for scale,” and if you’re anything like me, some of these images are going to blow your mind.
12. I eat up any and all information about the Mars rovers.
They’re just so cool.
11. Now show me the dude who wears it.
I’m still waiting to be able to picture that.
10. This is giving me heart palpitations.
No way could I sit there.
Two people sitting on the Abraj Al Bait clocktower in Mecca
byu/busted_maracas inHumanForScale
9. It looks like something in a miniatures museum.
I want to see a baby hummingbird now.
8. Look what love can do.
It’s beautiful.
Hundred year old flower bush and the woman who planted it.
by innextfuckinglevel
7. That seems about right.
Good and accurate, I see.
This is Detroit’s new 11-foot-tall RoboCop statue
byu/SAT0725 inMichigan
6. It takes a certain type of person to even get up in that thing.
No wonder they’re so expensive.
5. He really makes an impression.
Which was most likely the point.
Aukana Buddha, the tallest freestanding statue in Sri Lanka at 38 feet, built during the 5th century. Link to more info in comments.
byu/eternaldamnation2005 inHumanForScale
4. It could swallow us in one gulp.
I knew there was a reason I didn’t like birds.
Holy Fucking shit. This bird is (was) fucking huge. My pal dale for scale. (that rhymes)
byu/baseballfan8000 inHumanForScale
3. Those things are not right, y’all.
I did not need to see how big they were.
Behind the scenes of “Teletubbies” 1997
by ininterestingasfuck
2. Shock and awe.
Which was, of course, the whole point.
Door at the Parthenon replica in Nashville Tennessee. Kid in picture is 5’2.
byu/CpuCzar inHumanForScale
1. I honestly didn’t even need to know this existed at all.
Is that guy trying to give it a kiss??
I honestly had no idea how big some of these things are – so cool.
What’s the biggest thing you had to stand next to before you realized just how big it is? Tell us about it in the comments!