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If it’s morning and you’re struggling to get through your cup of coffee and then find the motivation to start your day, why not try some laughs?
Likewise, if you’re having the same struggles at lunchtime or before you’re supposed to be making dinner, laughs are always a great way to get the endorphins going and find the motivation to do….something. Anything.
So, without further ado, here are your laughs in the form of 12 funny tweets.
12. We’re all losers.
Every single time.
11. This just seems unnecessary.
10. This is what we really need to know.
How full is your sink?
9. That’s why we love them.
They remind us to take a minute to play.
8. And then feel guilty about it.
But not guilty enough to stop.
7. If you don’t like it, don’t look.
A good rule of thumb for many things in life.
6. Double duty.
I suppose you could figure that into the cost.
5. I’m not going anywhere at dawn.
That is my time to drink my coffee in dark silence.
4. You know what your mean.
Hopefully your partner does, too.
3. Who doesn’t love bread?
Yes, that much.
2. Good thing there’s that rhyme.
I have to sing it every time.
1. But you knew in your heart.
As so many of us do.
Ahhh, there we go. I’m feeling it.
Maybe not the making dinner, but definitely the laughs.