
12 Wonderful Tweets to Bring a Huge Smile to Your Face

Hey there, amigo. I noticed that you haven’t been smiling too much lately, have you?

What’s up with that?!?!

I know times are tough, but we all have to remember to look at the bright side of things, to give ourselves a break once in a while, and to remember to SMILE.

It’s good for you…trust me on this one…

Have a few laughs on us today and let’s see those pearly whites!

1. It’s time for a serious talk.

I had the same conversation yesterday with a dog.


2. That’s the kind of GRIND I’m into.

Hey, what’s not to like?


3. Go get it done!

Might be the most important errand of all.


4. This will boost your productivity in a major way.

Just trust us on this one.


5. I love this idea.

I think I’m gonna do it, too.


6. Seriously, give me the good stuff.

Keep all that garbage to yourselves.


7. A good way to pass the time.

And it causes all kinds of drama!


8. After that, things get real.

And they get real REALLY FAST.


9. I wonder what the reason could be.

It’s a total mystery.


10. Take note of this.

It works every time.


11. In need of a serious tune-up.

Time to bring it into the shop.


12. I said I love you!

Even though we’ve only known each other for two days…


How about you?

Have you seen some funny stuff online lately that really made you laugh?

Well, if so, please share it with us in the comments! Thanks a lot!