
These Hilarious Texts From Last Night Will Make You Laugh and Roll Your Eyes

I have something to tell you…and I’m not proud of it.

I’m what you might call a bad late-night texter. Sometimes when I’m just chillin’ on the couch at the end of a long day, I like to whip out my phone and start firing off texts to people I haven’t talked to in a while.

I don’t even really want to have conversations with these folks (or anyone, for that matter), but it must be some kind of compulsion or something…I should probably get that looked at.

But at least I haven’t made it onto social media yet with my texts, so that’s a good thing!

These folks, however, were not so fortunate.

1. Nathan, don’t be an idiot.

Just wait until next year!


2. Are you okay, boss?

Might want to check in on them.


3. I’d say you’re doing a really great job!

Let us know how it all went!


4. Hahahaha. I love that answer.

Yes, this person had a scale in their trunk for some reason.


5. Mom is trying to be a matchmaker.

Let’s see if this one works out!


6. That’s pretty creepy.

Do you think he’s a keeper?


7. Sounds like a great night!

Now let’s see the photos!


8. The best wedding of all time.

How can I get into this thing?


9. This person was being very honest.

Life is pain…


10. Plans just got canceled.

Sorry, that’s not gonna work.


11. You nailed it!

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.


12. That is very disturbing.

Please never send anything like that again.


13. That goes without saying…

Uh oh!


Alright, friends, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, please share some funny texts that you or other folks have sent lately.

We’d love to hear from you!