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The Internet and social media sure can be a cesspool of negativity, huh?
Complete strangers talking trash to each other, people spreading fake news and misinformation, and just a general sense of unpleasantness seems to permeate a good portion of the online world.
It can be really exhausting…
But we don’t get involved in that kind of stuff!
We bring you good things that will make you laugh and smile. Like hilarious memes about all kinds of random stuff!
And here’s another funny meme set for your viewing pleasure. Let’s take a look!
1. You found the culprit!
Wait a second…

Photo Credit: someecards
2. I’d go with Chipotle.
But, McDonald’s though…

Photo Credit: someecards
3. Here comes the attack cat!
Ouch! That hurts!

Photo Credit: someecards
4. Oh, gooooosssssshhhhhhh.
For you younger folks, this is Napoleon Dynamite.

Photo Credit: someecards
5. I love it!
Gasoline and hot tar! All day long!

Photo Credit: someecards
6. I’ll be there.
And I’ll be ready to cry! Believe that!

Photo Credit: someecards
7. Never too early to start on vacation.
Time to get ‘er done!

Photo Credit: someecards
8. Do I even know you?
Like a complete stranger.

Photo Credit: someecards
9. Not a pretty picture.
Are you okay? For real…

Photo Credit: someecards
10. Not again…I just can’t…
Seven days a week!

Photo Credit: someecards
11. Who can I mess with today…?
All kinds of ammunition.

Photo Credit: someecards
12. Admit it: this happens to you.
Just be honest about it!

Photo Credit: someecards
13. It enough to drain anybody…
And that fake smile, too…ugh.

Photo Credit: someecards
How about you?
Have you seen anything online lately that you thought was particularly hilarious?
Please share all the funny stuff with us in the comments.
We look forward to hearing from you!