
13 Hilarious Truths About Being Married

There are plenty of truths about being married, but here’s the thing: if you squint really hard, all of them can be funny.

The thing that makes jokes really work is the truth in them right?

If you’re ready to laugh at some of the ridiculousness that comes with living in close proximity to another full-grown adult, we’ve got 13 tweets that won’t disappoint!

13. He’s gonna love that when he wakes up.

Maybe. Probably.

12. She said what she said.

If you’re waiting for her to take it back you’ll be waiting awhile.

11. Can’t everything still be virtual?

It’s what most of us want.


10. They know what they did.

And that they deserve the janky silverware.

9. I would have to do the same thing.

Getting old ain’t no joke.

8. Being cool with the robots isn’t the worst idea.

You’ve married a forward-thinking man.

7. You know he’s not going to bring it up.

We got married on the first of the month so no one would forget.

6. Our love and support go on forever.

Our willingness to move does not.

5. It is the way of the world.

Go ahead and put a ring on it.

4. Surprise is the spice of life.

That’s how it goes, right?

3. The delivery guy knows it.

Everyone knows it.


2. No one is every sorry.

Fault aside.

1. There’s not much worse than that.

Seriously this guy is a monster.

Keep doing the good work, people. You’ve got this.

Tell me in the comments what gets you through the rough days in your marriage!