
13 Internet Comments That Pair Perfectly With a Stiff Drink

Many people have decided – or learned the hard way – that Facebook can be a soul-sucking (and time-sucking) menace. It’s full of your relatives and people you knew from high school, and listen…we love those people, but we don’t really want to hear every thought that pops into their heads.

These 13 comments and posts follow that train of thinking, and they just might convince you to turn off your notifications for good.

13. I have no idea what any of this means.

They just like bananas?

12. The thing is, she doesn’t actually love him.

Or she’d want to keep him safe.

11. Yes, please stay woke my friends.

But first, make sure you wake up.

10. What if I told you the Earth was round.

He wouldn’t believe that, either.

9. That’s not correct.

Did he just (wrongly) mansplain National Geographic?

8. You guys what is a roundhead?

Also I’m guessing this guy is partially blind now.

7. I question what those children are learning at home.

They’re definitely not learning about science.

6. Clearly, no one here knows much about horses.

Or units of measurement in general.

5. This is exactly why women are afraid of men.

She’s probably just scrolling Twitter.

4. Is she…serious?

What vested interest would airlines have in this fight?

3. What sort of details will she be providing?

Because I have a lot of questions.

2. That’s illegal ma’am.

Also if he’s “bouncing around” in his carseat you’re doing it wrong.

1. That is definitely not how any of this works.

Let me introduce you to a concept called “math.”

I’m not going to delete my page, but I am going to keep gleefully blocking hate!

I hope that you feel free enough to do the same.