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I’ve been single for a loooooooong time.
I’m not the kind of person who says I’ll never, ever do this or that, but I’ve been on my own for so long that at this point, it just is what it is…
But I’m open to the possibility and you never really know, right?
So, with that in mind, let’s hear from some folks who went on the record and admitted why they’re single.
1. A laundry list.
“Extremely closeted, never dated before, high anxiety, quite anti-social, and probably moving to a different state soon for job training so don’t wanna make and break a new connection in my current town.”
2. Enjoying it.
“I enjoy being single.
I’m demi-s**ual and its a pain to even get interested in anyone because I need them to be friends first. A lot of people don’t understand that and either call me a tease or say I’m too picky.
So I just don’t bother anymore. If I find someone I’m interested in, that may change but it’s been seven years and I’m okay with where my current relationships are at.”
3. Not much of a social life.
“Because the last girl i liked said i was just a friend, and i’m not quite over it yet
And I also have the social life of a stone so it’s hard to just meet other girls.”
4. Tired of the game.
“I got played twice by the same guy.
Now just the thought of being vulnerable with anyone else scares me. It’s sad and cringe, I love love and the thought of being in love or in a romantic relationship, but I just can’t.
I physically and emotionally can’t.”
5. Not ready yet.
“Because I know I’m not emotionally secure enough to be in a committed relationship, so I choose stay single until I feel that I’m ready for one.”
6. True.
“The longer that you’re single, the harder it becomes to compromise on any of the freedoms you’ve become accustomed to.”
7. Issues.
“A previous relationship caused me to have some serious commitment issues.
I can date people well enough, but once I hear them saying they love me or that I’m perfect for them or casual compliments in the same vein after however long we spend dating, I break inside thinking it’s just going to go downhill from here and I get wildly distant and eventually break up with them.
It’s happened twice now and as much as I love being in a relationship and h**e being lonely, I feel like such a massive a**hole because I effectively won’t allow myself to be happy. Let alone that I broke up with people I had no reason to other than my own internal struggles.”
8. Lovable?
“Because I’m one of those people who are not made to find love and happiness.
I think I’m simply not lovable.”
9. Accepted it.
“39 here.
I seem to attract the ones that need help, but end up leaving afterwards… or turns out I cared more about them, then they did me. Dating apps are just draining, I’ve had plenty of dates but haven’t felt any real connection with anyone anymore.
I’m at a point that I’ve accepted being alone, and that I may not meet anyone, nor do I really care about it as much.”
10. It’s simple.
“It’s very simple really, I rarely like people that much and those that I have liked in the past didn’t like me back.
And I was never interested in the people who expressed interest in me.”
11. Cautious.
“I refuse to ever make the first move and talk to anyone in public because it’s considered creepy.
Dating apps are full of people looking for money or hookups.”
12. Don’t want to make the same mistake.
“My first relationship was really toxic and manipulative.
I am afraid that if I end up in another relationship it will be toxic too…”
13. Two things.
“It’s half I’m not trying that hard anymore, and half nobody wants to take the chance.
I’m 34 years old. Been told by numerous girls (in relationships) how cool I am and how lucky any girl would be to have me. Some even wing manning for me. But, for whatever reason (a number of legit reasons too and not BS excuses), it just hasn’t happened.
I can’t even trust my own instincts and judgements because I’ve had slam dunks where she’s all over me, my friends and her friends are like “holy s**t dude, she’s in to you real bad and talks about you”. Then when I ask her out, she needs to reschedule, something came up, no’s not a good time. You get the picture.
Never had a girlfriend my whole life.
Can’t say that I’m unhappy though. I’m in a position in my life where I don’t need one because I like myself and have people I care for.”
Okay, now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us why you’re still single.
Please and thank you!