
13 People Share the Weird Recurring Dreams They Have

Do you have recurring dreams? The ones that throw you for a loop when you’re sleeping and cause you to reflect when you wake up?

I know I do! And I hate them!

But I guess there’s something firing in my subconscious that causes them to keep happening again and again…

AskReddit users opened up about the weird recurring dreams they have. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Barefoot.

“I appear just walking down a gravel road barefoot, and do so for a couple minutes until a couple old ladies give me shoes.

Somehow I get adopted by witches and wizards and they all absolutely hate me, except for one guy, and then they turn us both to cats.

It was weird.”

2. Scary stuff.

“I’m standing in a neighborhood, out on the street and I can see an airplane overhead. It coming in WAY to close and is going to crash.

I have no way of alerting the people just blocks away from me. I know people are going to die and I can’t help them.

This dream started to reoccur shortly after 9/11.”

3. Keep dying.

“Being stuck in a time loop like Edge of Tomorrow or Groundhog Day, where I die, repeatedly, until i can figure out how to avoid the threat, often gunmen or similar.

Been dreaming these for 30 something years. I learn as I dream, what not to do, such as not hiding in a dumpster or ducking underwater.”

4. The wave.

“I keep having this dream where this giant wave bursts through a wall and chases me all over!!

It’s very strange. It always happens on a stage!

The wall on the back of the stage decides to break and let the water through to kill us all.”

5. Hmmmm…

“Everyone I’ve ever known chases me and slaps me with fish, dark shadows yelling at me that I’m a failure until I reach the edge of a cliff.

There’s a noose hanging over it, and I fall into the abyss.

I always wake up before I hit the ground, in a cold sweat.”

6. A lot going on here.

“I have this one where I am in this huge box with stone walls and a field of grass with lawn chairs and we are all dressed like flappers.

There is a big stone cylinder with a lit up platform that everybody goes on and awkwardly clumsily walks around with derp faces. Then a big fat bee comes and buzzes so loud my ears hurt when I wake up.

Thats where it ends but my ears always ring from the buzzing. Super weird, but it happens to me.”

7. The labyrinth.

“I’ve been having recurring dreams since I was 5 or 6 that the house that I lived had a secret basement or underground labyrinth beneath it.

In the first dream I had when I was a child, the dream house had a secret compartment within the crawl space that could only be accessed by a door in the basement. Over the decades the dream has morphed and changed and the secret space is always somewhere different—beneath a cement lot, beneath the garage, accessed by a hidden staircase, etc..

It was always about whatever house I lived in at the time until I turned 18, at which point it has always been about the same house. I’ve since lived in 8 different places and have yet to have a dream about where I currently am — always the same house.”

8. Halloween party.

“I have had this dream since I was 5 years old. Every few years.

This dream takes place at a Halloween party at my grandma’s house. Kids and their parents come in costumes as you’d expect, and everything seems normal for a few minutes. Suddenly, a strange tune with the melody of the first few seconds of THIS IS HALLOWEEN opening before the monsters start singing.

The words are replaced with “Here comes the Prickle-face man, better run, better run as fast as you can” and is played on a loop in the background for the rest of the dream. The first time I had this dream, I looked out of the houses’ window to see 3 figures rising slowly from the wheat field around the house.

The first was a mummy with a horrifyingly disfigured body and face. The second is a being made of vines and a jack-o-lantern for a head, he had a very horrifying cackle, and the absence of a candle didn’t matter, because the inside of his mouth and the hole where his eyes were carved flickered with a ghostly flame.

The final and most horrifying figure was a scarecrow with an unsettling drawn-on smile, holding an ax with a very sharp blade. I should know, because I am always beheaded before I wake up. This is a stalker dream, where these 3 figures chase you. You can never escape. no matter where you hide or how fast you run.

It doesn’t matter. You will always be dead before you wake from the nightmare. I haven’t had the dream for 2 years… but I can never escape.”

9. Three tales.

“I have three.

One was where I was in this HUGE Victorian castle and there was this random flood out of no where that swept me to go fight off Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

Then the one where I went paragliding with my stepmom at night over this beautiful city. And my favorite is where I can turn into a dragon and fly even though flying takes real physical effort.

I have multiple occasions where I wake up sweating and exhausted even though if I Do end up flying in the dream it is super fun. Now I know what it is like to fly as a dragon.”

10. Gross!

“I’m in a plane when I am younger and they are serving bananas.

My mom, being the vegetarian that she is, gets 3 for me, my mom, and my little brother. I open and the banana and there is no banana.

Cockroaches erupt from the empty peel and eat the plane and everything in it. The end.”

11. Watch out for that guy.

“I keep having dreams about Harry Potter.

And I’m pretty sure in one of them Dumbledore kept trying to kill me and my family.”

12. Clowns.

“I would go into my kitchen (knowing what was about to happen) and then get jump-scared by the McDonalds clown, and I would just go round and round the counter trying to avoid him until I woke up.

But here is the best part.. The last time I ever had that dream it became a little different. So instead of being by myself, I go with my dad and as we are walking in there I tell him about the clown.

And so basically the clown comes up and my dad tells him to leave me alone. And it is so weird because it is like when he said that to the clown, I never had that dream about him again.”

Do you have any recurring dreams that are really weird?

If so, we want to hear about them.

Please share them with us in the comments. Thanks!