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Listen, I think we all know that people lie now and again – some of us more than others. It’s just part of being human, and people lie for all kinds of reasons, besides.
That said, there’s not much that’s more satisfying than catching a liar in the act of lying, right?
Which is exactly what happened in these 13 situations, where people called out a lying liar without feeling bad about it at all.
13. How could it be her perfect son’s fault?
I am always rolling my eyes so hard at parents like these.
Not her son’s fault!
byu/Dont_Know_Scotty inquityourbullshit
12. The kind of “friend” we all need.
If your friends won’t be honest with you then who will?
Anti-vax friend gets called out by their sibling
byu/mycorn123 inquityourbullshit
11. What is the point of this lie?
He was definitely going to be found out sooner or later.
Guy creeping on people in a postpartum sub
byu/Obsessedthenbored inquityourbullshit
10. I love that they didn’t let this go.
The restaurant is closed and still taking hits. Talk about insult to injury.
even in pakistan, gaandu means asshole btw
by inquityourbullshit
9. Why do I think this thing is adorable?
I don’t understand why people lie about things like this.
could have at least lied about the right habitat
byu/haleylovesvirgil inquityourbullshit
8. Inspirational is one word for it.
I’m not sure it’s the one I would use.

Image Credit: Buzzfeed
7. People are just so weird.
This literally looks like a hotel room.
Posting a staged bedroom from Wayfair with a sob story for free Karma…
by inquityourbullshit
6. This just gets more savage the longer it goes on.
I definitely approve.
My new veterinarian is an absolute savage!
byu/Desert-DooDoo inquityourbullshit
5. I think it would be creepy to remember time in the womb, honestly.
Let’s not force that strangeness on our kids.
I’m not good with titles
byu/CattierCoinOnYt inquityourbullshit
4. You’ve gotta stay up on the scams.
I promise someone will try them on you at some point.
Another attempted FB Marketplace scam
byu/myverygoodusername12 inquityourbullshit
3. Explain to me how that’s supposed to work?
It sounds like some otherworldly experience.
2. That doesn’t even look homemade.
Who does this person’s friends think they are?
OP says he made homemade turkish delight. Guy calls bullshit
by inquityourbullshit
1. This isn’t even close to believable.
And not only because of the crappy Photoshop job.
Using a photoshopped photo of Billie eilish as an ad for a shitty necklace
byu/blayana881 inquityourbullshit
See what I mean? None of these happened to me but man, I still love relishing that moment when someone calls them out.
Tell us about a time you called out a liar in your life? We want to hear about it in the comments!